Chapter 3 : The Red Lightning Clan

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Lissanna Strauss was arguably the best doctor within the Vale kingdom. With shiny white hair, dark blue eyes, and a semblance that boosted the healing of anyone she chose, anyone could see why King Tai Yang Xiao Long hired her as the head doctor within the castle.

Lissanna, wearing her doctor's robe and holding a clipboard in her left arm, glanced at his wounds and shook her head.

"Leo again?" She asked, referring to Leonard Orias. Lissanna was engaged to Orias, an engagement that surprised everyone. Orias was always a cold yet reserved person whereas Lissanna was very open to anyone. Perhaps opposites do attract.

Marss nodded at her question. She scoffed, motioning with her finger to follow him while looking at her clipboard. She lead him into a small room in the back, her office. After asking him to remove his shirt and reviewing his wounds, she shook her head once more.

"Which of his swords was it this time?" Lissanna asked as she gently placed one of her fingers, obviously while wearing a glove, near his left shoulder just above the chest wound he had received.

"The rapier." Marss replied. At this, Lissanna's eyes widened. While walking towards the nursery, several small cuts had opened up on Marss' face. The cuts were created by Orias' sword, however the cuts only began bleeding after the fight was over.

"Luckily, these wounds aren't deep. They're more like scratches." Lissanna said as she finished glancing at the wound on his chest. "Expect this one." She then gave him a sympathetic look.

"Ready?" Lissanna asked. Marss nodded. With his word of approval, Lissanna suddenly took two steps back and placed her clipboard down on a counter near her. She then turned back to face him, stretching her arms out and placing her palms above him. Suddenly, a soft blue bubble appeared around him, his wounds slowly closing. This process, however, was not painless. Lissanna's semblance was that of speeding up the healing process a human body goes through, not a semblance that ignored pain. Marss winced as a rather large amount of pain suddenly occurred. The pain was comparable to pouring salt on his wounds, for only a brief moment. Then, the pain subsided, as did Lissanna's bubble.

"There. All done." Lissanna said, followed by her asking the usual questions about his health.

"Any aching, pain, stress on any particular part of your body?" When Marss replied negative to each, Lissanna marked some things down on her clip board and nodded.

"Well, you're free to go for the time being. If you continue having any pain, come see me again. Oh, and tell Princess Yang I said hello." Lissanna said as Marss put his shirt back on and politely excused himself from the room. Once he had left, the smile on Lissanna's face dropped instantly.

"The rapier? Leo doesn't have a rapier." Lissanna thought to herself.

Lissanna shook her head. His wounds were worse than she had lead on. Although they weren't severe, the wounds had caused a decent amount of bloodloss. Part of her semblance was also used to replace the blood loss, however this took a toll on her.

"That was rather strange though. Marss always talks whenever he comes to see me, but this time he was silent. Did something happen?"


Marss, having returned to his room and dressed himself in yet another one of his identical tuxedos, glanced at himself in the mirrors. He faked a smile, attempting to hide the pain he felt. However, even he could see that pain was the only emotion stemming from the smile.

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