Chapter 14 : The Final Straw

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Tai nodded to General Jake Peralta who sat across from him in the limo. 

"An explosion was set off in the abandoned Craig's Isle Warehouse on Edgerton Street." General Peralta reported. "The entirety of the roof was blown off in the explosion with fragments crashing into the surrounding buildings." 

"Were any civilians harmed?" Tai asked. 

"Thankfully no. The surrounding buildings were also abandoned. However, upon closer inspection of the building, Orias found a hidden level underneath containing several prison cells. One of which was used recently." 

"How recently?" 

"Given the blood found in the cell, the most recent usage was likely just before the explosion." 

"What does that mean?" 

"It means that who or whatever caused the explosion was being held captive by the Red Lightning Clan." Peralta finished. 


Tai stepped out of the limo, wearing his familiar golden armor. The armor had several intricate designs, but most importantly was extremely durable. He was covered basically from neck to toe, however he chose not to wear his helmet. Better for his public image if he didn't hide his face all of the time. 

Behind him, several feet away, stood a mob of reporters, each shouting their own questions. He smiled and waved towards the group before turning and pointing for General Amy Santiago to come to him. 

"Give them the bare essentials. Mention the Red Lightning Clan as a possibility, but don't give them any ground. Act like we don't have answers yet." He whispered into her ear. He then pulled away from her, the general nodding in response. She then walked towards the swarm of reporters being held back by the Valein Forces. 

Tai turned his attention back to the exploded warehouse. He looked around, seeing multiple forensics units and specialists scoping the area for any clues. 

General Leonard Orias suddenly formed in front of him, several arrow-like shadows collecting together to form his body. 

"The Red Lightning Clan are long gone. The warehouse was supposed to be abandoned, and yet the inside was laced with heavy gold." Orias reported. 

"So they had help. Moving the amount of gold wouldn't have been easy, much less covering the entirety of the inside." Tai responded. 


Marss' arms were hanging above his head, the chains holding him off his feet. He was in a new cell, one even larger than the previous. The door had opened, two guards and another familiar prisoner walking in to his cell. 

"Lord Aras has informed us that your attack earlier has not only exposed the safe house, but also resulted in the discovery of many of our assets." Saturn, the bulkier guard stated. Liam Wilson, the young orphan the Red Lightning clan threatened to torture if Marss ever used his original semblance, was forced to his knees in front of Marss. 

"What are-" Marss barely got out before the second guard, a shorter muscular man Marss was unfamiliar with, cocked his shotgun. 

"There are consequences to your actions." Saturn stated. Marss' eyes darted between the second guard and Liam. 

"Marss?" Liam's tiny voice asked, begging him to help. Marss' eyes widened as the guard placed the barrel of the shotgun on the child's neck, forcing his head to face downward. Tears fell from the young boys eyes. He knew what was coming next. Everyone in that room did. 

"You're gonna be okay, Liam." Marss breathed. His eyes then turned towards the two guards. 

"Don't. Please." His voice broke. Tears welled in his eyes as Saturn shook his head. 

"We have our orders." Was his reply. Without wasting another second, the guard fired the shotgun, the blast impacting against Liam's neck and violently severing his head from his body.

Some of his blood splattered across Marss' face as Liam's head, the final tears rolling down his cheeks, rolled in front of Marss until it stopped. Liam's empty gaze was the last thing Marss consciously saw. 


Orias was still investigating the warehouse when a sudden pull came from behind him. At first, he was confused. It was nearly midnight, there was no one near him. He turned around, his mind suddenly acknowledging the event. 

The pull he felt was not someone pulling his clothes. 

"Marss." Orias breathed as his head turned in the direction Marss was supposedly in. 


Yang suddenly awoke, shaking the top bunk that she slept in. She quickly landed, projecting herself off of the bed and quickly changing into her huntress  uniform. She grabbed her gauntlets, then ran out of the room quickly. 

She felt the familiar pull Marss had always created before he supposedly died. 

As soon as she was outside of the Academy, her head turned in the direction Marss was pulling her towards. 

"Marss." She breathed before taking off running. 


Saturn had closed his eyes once the shot was fired, causing him to miss the phenomenon in front of him. Marss' arms slipped through the cuffs, almost as if he was merely air. He blinked, something rising from within his body. When he opened his eyes once more, the grey pupils held a darker tint within. 


Marss' Semblances: 

Marss : Offline 

Yang : Offline

Orias : .... Online


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