Case 1: The Burned Marks, Chapter 1

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Anything that is to happen in this case that falls into similar situations that has happened in your life, it is purely coincidental, including names, events, etc.


August 24, 2019, 10:34 AM
That was the time my small clock told me as I sat at my desk in the self funded detective organization, by self funded, we do mean we have no connections with the authorities and purely exist to help and solve, nothing much...yet we still get warnings from the man himself, the mayor, Dillon Van Heart.

But no matter what, we are needed and still investigate, the people love us, the police and such are a bit against us, and the mayor hates us, something to think, surprised he hasn't shut the organization down yet, he has the ability to do that.

We live in the city of Laer, pronounced Lair, weird name, I know, but I don't decide things, I just live, the city is always full of life, something to do in every corner, a bit of a dream though still a normal city, with just one thing.

It relies more on authorities and detectives than cameras and detectors, best not to ask why, we just don't.

My name is James Gears Adams, I prefer to go by Gears...just sounds cooler. I was simply doing paperwork on an old case, making sure things are good and in right order, I was hoping for a case, I was one of the best around...well, all that works for the detective organization is good, my name is just well known.

All that sits in my office is a desk, some chairs, a dresser and a mirror I covered up, reason is that I prefer not to look into it.

I took a sip of my coffee, thinking to myself and what I will do later today, maybe take a visit to the park, go to the popular cat cafe, yes there is one, or perhaps go sleep early, this job can be a miracle or a curse, either something to do for life and save people or spend countless days and hours without sleep, I always ask myself on why I chose this as my 'dream' job.

And then, the sweet sound that I hope is what I think it is, a knock at the wooden door.

"Come in!" I shouted so they can hear me, the door opens to reveal a police officer, this is not a first but he came in with the expression like a murder has happened.

"Is this James Adams office?" he asked, I would answer back "Yes, though I prefer to be called Gear" I simply said, the police officer just nodded and comes inside, he closes the door behind him and takes a seat in front of my desk.

"My name is Bard, an officer, I have a case for you, since I have heard you are good" he said.

A case? Really? Usually a concerned citizen, someone who has witnessed or someone with secret information come to me, not a bloody police officer!

"Don't the police do cases on their own?" I asked, this must be some serious case.

"Well...we can't solve it, it is rather too...difficult and dangerous, we need other help" he said, he then passes me an envelope, before continuing.

"This is all places of the case, we believe all of them are connected due to a recurring theme in each one, about 10 recorded sites of murder...burned claw marks, a seemingly endless hole somewhere in hidden or in plain sight...and of course, bodies...murdered bodies ranging between fatal cuts, to extreme burns and marks, to complete mutilation."

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