Case 2: Love Thief, Chapter 3

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September 3, 2019, 7:34 AM

I woke up, rubbing my eyes as I sit up, I scour my hands around a bit on the desk until I found my pocket watch.

I eventually did find it, I open it to check the time...7:35...morning already, I get up and go into the walk in closet, I remember putting my clothes here I, actually, maybe I can put on some...different clothing.

There's gotta be something nice

I woke up, in my room, which is good, I get off my bed as I walk into the closet, scratching my cat ears as they felt a bit itchy.

Alright, what to wear now! I look, eventually finding a cute pink hoodie, I changed out of my pajamas into it, it felt so comfy and warm, I'd also put on some purple shorts, because I want to.

I also wore just purple shoes, cause their cool, and then I walked out of my room, walking over the purple thick slime on the floor, it is of my own.

I wonder if Gears and Lucy are awake

I woke up, already yawning as I sit up, I look around, it was quite blurry, so I scour around on the desk looking for my glasses.

I would eventually find them, putting them on, there, now I can see properly.

I'd stand up and walk over to the closet, I decided to wear the same clothes from yesterday as I really liked it.

I then walked out, fixing my glasses a bit as I grab a bag of my things and walk out of my room, and when I did, I noticed someone else walking down the hallway to the stairs, it was a girl in a black and glowing green sleeveless hoodie, she had long white hair and headphones on, there was also a big zipper on the front, she was obviously listening to music.

"Um, h-hello!" I said, she would stop and turn "Hm? Oh hello!" she said, waving back, she took her headphones off and hangs it by her neck "You must be one of the new recruits Mr.Steam talked about!" she said, I nodded "Y-Yes" I responded with.

"I'm My Interesting New Dancer, or M.I.N.D for short, what's your name?" she asked, quite an interesting name she has.

"My name is Lucy Und Latenvorg, but you can just call me Lucy" I said, she nodded excitedly and went over to me and put her hand out for a handshake, I did shake her hand.

"It's nice to meet you!" she said.

"It's nice to meet you too" I responded with a rather shy voice, not like me but I just met her, I would hear a door open behind me as I look, it was the door to Pandora's room as she exits her room "Morning Lucy!" she said with excitement "I see you have now met Mind" I nodded as Mind waved to her.

"So where's Gear?" Pandora asked "Probably in his room" I answered.

So I did find something, a nice gray, soft and comfy hoodie and black sweatpants, plain, I like that, I fix my black scruffy hair a bit as I walk out of the closet, I went ahead and grabbed my bag of things and my pocket watch as I walk out of my room and down the hallway, another day, another location or 4.

I reach the main lobby as I looked around, I decided to wait for the others, who I hear coming down the stairs, with someone new.

"Hello Gears!" I hear Lucy say, I look up as she ran towards me, I give a small "Yo" I said, I look at the girl I have never seen "Who's that?" I asked Lucy.

"Mind" she responded "Oh, the names Jack Gears Adams, though I much prefer to be called Gears" I said, greeting myself to Mind, who giggled "That is a silly name" she said.

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