The Rebels: The Bird & The Dresser

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September 3, 2019, 9:14 AM

I sat in my office, writing papers as I took a sip of my tea, it has been 5 minutes since I called Kita and Dressmaker, they should be here at was quiet, really, the turning of gears and ticking of the hands are really what can be heard with the movement of pen on paper.

"I hope what Sally felt was real, or this would be a waste of time...ironic really.

I heard knocking at the door "Come in" I said, the door opens to reveal Kita and her very good friend, Dressmaker.

"Welcome, please, take a seat" I said, both nodded and sat down "now one of you may be wondering but I wanted to ask some simple questions, if that is okay?"

"Yes, that is okay, Clock" Kita said softly.

"Yes yes, just not too long, I have designs to make" said Dressy, a common nickname for him.

"Alright, so from a...peculiar source, I heard that an approaching unseen danger unseen is coming, might there be a chance either of you spot suspicious activity lately?" I ask.

Dressmaker would think a bit, though Kita nodded "Yes...I was told there was a group that intends to sabotage things, but that is all I really know" she said.

"I remember receiving a rather big order of high durability black hoodies, medium durability black sweatpants and small durability black bandannas & gloves" he said.

"Perhaps it is them preparing...question is how long and how much" I said, thinking.

"Well they are orders so I had to deliver it but the area was an old alleyway, where a group was awaiting...I guess I was thinking a bit too much on the good quality I made and money I earned...ranging around 10,000 Gems" he said.

"How many sets did you make?" I asked.

"10" he simply answered "then we know amount most likely, 10 people, not a lot but underestimating leads to demise" I said in response.

"Well...I ask to always be prepared...just in case, I thank you for coming, this will be of major help" I said, both nodded as they stand up.

While I was writing everything I know, Kita would come over to me and give me a hug.

"Please be careful" she said as she leaves the office, Dressy following her.

And after the door was the same noises.

Turning gears, ticking hands, pen on paper...and a ghostly giggle, I look to see Sally, watching me write.

"So a gang?" she asked, I nod as she frowns a bit "well that is such a beautiful city" she floats around me as she looks outside the giant windows...there was...nothing to really see, but empty plains and strange birds.

"Where is this Clock tower placed?" she asked "The Plains...that is all I really know...I was given this by father, remember?" I said, smiling slightly.

She nods "I remember" she said, floating around again, I check the time on my pocket watch, 9:45 AM.

I sigh a bit, finishing the paper, I stand up and looked around.

"So tomorrow I have to have a meeting with Atticus and Lily, correct?" I asked her, she nodded.

"Welp...I'm going to meet up with Panick and Jolyne, and just hang out with them, like friends" I said, leaving the room as I whisper to myself something.

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