A Simple Visit

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September 2, 2019, 4:56 PM

So after what happened, I think I need a small therapy session, but I should be fine, so after the event of the werewolf, death count would be 17, almost 18 if I was still in that car, so people got a bit scared now, asking questions, are there more? When will they attack if there is? If a werewolf exists, does other mythical creatures exist? Many questions I want answered too, for now, I worked on the papers about it, but not mentioning Clock and the two events of him, that's a different case for later...I sometimes talk with Jafk a bit now, I'm getting used to his appearance and I stop getting so scared now or nervous, now the talks, they are either just a conversation or about Clock, but today he asked for me to come, he says he heard something coming from the hole in the room that suddenly appeared, okay, a small visit won't hurt.

I grab my gun, put it in my holster, then grab my notepad & pen, small bag, phone, and keys,I looked at the mirror that has saved me in some way, I keep it uncovered now, I put on my detective hat and brown coat and looked into it.

I wonder what would have happened if the covers didn't fall...I should not think about that for a while, anyways, I head out of my office then the building, made sure to lock my office door, and I started to walk to the apartment complex Jafk lives in.

Nothing really happens, I just hear people talking to each other, cars passing by, giggling children, my footsteps and others, birds chirping, many things, it was just a normal day, though not without something unusual, a repeat of it really, I see a lot more children, maybe even more than last time, either something is going on or these children are somehow smarter planners than me, and I am not that good at it.

I simply ignore that and continue my way, I make it to the complex and simply entered, I greeted the pretty lady at the front desk and continued my way to the elevator, I go inside and enter, though another person has entered, she looked like a kind woman, she had long raven black hair and wore a pink dress and had some cute looking pink glasses, she had red heels and her pose was a bit front...but I must not drift off tracks, I press floor 2, though looked like she was going to press it too.

"Oh-" she said, giggling a bit, I just chuckled as the floor goes up.

After waiting a bit, the door opens and I go on without stop, I go to apartment 16-2 and knock on it...the same lady was going to knock on the door too.

"O-Oh, it seems like we are here for the same man" I said, a small nervous chuckle, she just nods.

The door opens, revealing Jafk Nickeel once again, the same appearance, "Ah, I see both of you have come at the same time, makes things a bit harder but I can do it, please, come in" he said, stepping out of the way to let us both in, I let the lady in first then coming second, Jafk closes the door.

"P-Please, show me your pocket watches' he asked us, the lady nods and pulls out a pocket watch from her pockets, it was a pinkish tinted iron one, it had roses and small thorns around it...I can smell it from where I am.

I also pull out mine, the gears pocket watch, Jafk looks at both and nods "Okay, good to know...so both of you have met with Clock before, he asked for you two to come visit him, so please follow my instructions" he said as he sighs a bit.

"You must hold onto the pocket watch while the front cover is open and ticking its unique sound, after that, you hold it by your heart and fall into the hole in the unknown room, simple as that" he finished, the lady again just nodded but I looked at him "wait wait wait, I gotta jump into the hole" I said, a bit shocked.

"Yes, but do not worry, if you mess up, you can still open it and put it by your heart, the hole will stay endless until actions are done" he said, he walks to the room with the room.

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