Case 1: The Burned Marks, Chapter 3

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August 26, 2019, 1:36 AM

I woke up so suddenly, my heart was racing and my breathing spastic, Jesus, why am I like this now?

I slowly calmed down and checked the time...1:36 AM, August I had at least a 14 hour sleep, a lot but enough...if it wasn't 1:37 AM, Christ.

I stand up from my bed, it was quiet, only one or two cars pass every so often and I can hear the crickets singing their songs...time for work, the office is always open, and we have constant switching, but they never mind day workers staying or coming back in.

I lazily change back into my work clothes, I grab the gifted pocket watch and put it in my pocket, I put on my hat and coat and grabbed my keys and my phone...fuck I forgot to charge it, it is now at 23%, well, I can charge it at my desk.

Anyways, I went to the front door, open it, exit, then close it and lock it.

I started walking to the office, checking my phone a bit, missed call from my boss but he is probably asleep...but I called just in case.

"Hello, this is Mr.Rems, who am I speaking to?" he said when he answered, I can hear the yawns.

"Hello, this is Gears, I was asleep when you called and I wanted to ask what are the reasons" I said.

"Oh, Gears, I was calling to ask where were you?" he said, yawning once again.

"I was at home, sleeping, I need some sleep after all, this case is quite soul sucking and strange, but I am coming back at the office to work for the night work, fill in my missing hours" I said with a bit of confidence.

"Well, good, a police officer came to drop off more evidence, they are on your desk in your office room" he said.

"Alright boss, good night Mr.Rems" I said.

"Good night Gears" he hangs up as his status goes to offline.

Alright, this is good, a good night at moment, I make it to the office and knock on the glass door, a guard came by from inside and opens it for me, I thank him and he just nods.

I walk up to my office, I use my other key to unlock it and I went inside.

Oh...this is quite the evidence, on the desk was a lot of photos from cameras before being disrupted, the museum and toy shop cameras specifically, red circles are on it, showing something in the shadows before the disruptions, that must be it, the killer, it didn't look human really, a bit wolf like, their hands glowed a bit red, aha!

...but now to find them...this mystery is going to be easily solved!...I hope anyways, the police just need to capture whatever it is and I can be on my merry way to normal cases, while I still try to somewhat learn about Clock.

But where will it be next...I don't see any pattern, it is simply murdering people in some way or another...if I was a wolf like killer with glowing red hands, where would I kill next.

So first was the park, then the docks, then the toy shop, museum, smaller cafe at night, smaller bar at night, on top of an office building, then the home of an innocent woman, then by the beach, then another home of a man then in the detective agency, this is 11...I never wrote this on the notepad.

I pull out my gun and looked around, the covers of the mirror slid down suddenly...I go to look into it...and all I saw was myself...just myself...and whatever was coming out of the bloody vent on the ceiling!

I turned to it and started to shoot at it, it didn't flinch at all at the bullets, it was a werewolf or werewolf like thing, it had blood dried teeth, its hands and paws glow red like they are hot as a freshly heated iron bar.

"Oh fuck this!" I shouted and ran out of my office room "GUARDS, GUARDS, I FOUND THE KILLER, IT'S A BLOODY FUCKING WEREWOLF" I shouted as loud as I can, 3 guards came in, having only pistols since, well, they are guards, not police officers or S.W.A.T members, they also shot at it but it didn't flinch once again.

"Bloody run!" all of us just ran down the stairs, the werewolf chased us and just jumped down every few steps, we made it to the bottom and run out, the secretary at the front was confused before realizing and hiding.

One of the guards called me and got me in their car with the others and books it.

Luckily this werewolf is not fast, it tried to catch up to us but the car was faster "holy fuck, we need the police" I said.

"Already on it" one of the guards said as he calls 911 on his phone.

"So that is the killer? I thought it was going to be a sadistic human being or something, not that" another guard says.

"At least it explains the marks" I said "still want to know about the holes, for now" I look back, the werewolf was closer "GO FASTER" the guard just nods quickly and makes the car go faster, the fastest it can go, 90 mph, pretty fast.

We then heard the sweet sounds of sirens, two police cars appear in front of us as we pass, I look back to see them stopped and attempting to shoot the werewolf, clearly did not work with pistols.

"Maybe they should send a swat team, not bloody regular police man!"

"There is no where else to go, we reached the docks" the guard who was driving said.

"Then we will go by foot" said another.

"Are you bloody idiot, it almost caught up to us, we need to do something" I said, then next you know, it catched up and jumped up onto the car, and before it slashed at the front, everything stops as I jump forward a bit but I luckily had my seat belt on.

"Okay, where are you this time" I said, I knew it was him once again, I tried to take the seat belt off but I couldn't, but then it was off so suddenly, I stand up and get out of the car, the door also suddenly open.

I see the man again, he walks into an alleyway, obviously, I followed.

He was just standing there at the end of the alleyway "Clock, I would thank you but I have several questions, why did you save me, how, what in the world are you and where did you come from...and why did you gift me a pocket watch" I said a bit quick.

He shakes his head "because fate decides so, Mr.Gears" he said, his voice sounded divine and deep "not even I can change it, I was meant to stop you from getting ripped, I had to."

He walks towards me slowly "and you have a fate to be a traveler of two, you will meet many people, and few will help, some from here, some from another place...and the guards...their fate are to drive into the ocean, even if they don't know that the wolf is weak to water, they will, out of hopelessness and will be gone, thanks to you telling the guards of the werewolf, even if it causes their death" he said

"I am fucking confused" I said.

"I know, you always are, but you won't be, something else will come, and I want you to remember...there are more than one, remember the name...The Red Claws, remember to stay calm when fate decides" he disappeared in my eyes...I then heard crashing water.

I quickly ran back, I see the car now in the water, and I also see blood...and the werewolf was drowning, it tried to return to land but it couldn't, it slowly sank down into the water.

"Jesus Christ, I need more fucking sleep..."

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