Coffee, Cake Pops, and Nico

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Percy posted a status
Nico... We need to talk

Nico: Um

Thalia: Okay, I'm pretty sure Nico already broke up with you

Thalia: So why are you talking like that?

Leo: Percy and Nico dated???

Nico: NO-

Leo: But-

Elizabeth: Shhh Leo... Shhh

Leo: Um-

Elizabeth: Shhh

Leo has been removed

Elizabeth: Okay continue

Percy: ...


Percy posted a status
We need to talk about what Annabeth and I witnessed in Starbucks

Nico: Oh no

Thalia: Oh yes

Nico: What were you doing at Starbucks!?

Percy: Well after we saw you at McDonald's, we figured we needed a new post-quest open 24/7 place to get food

Nico: ... *sighs* And I went to Starbucks because I didn't think you'd choose it

Thalia: So??? What happened?

Annabeth: Well, Nico's become more open, that's for sure

Nico: ...

Nico: I'm not going to take this

Nico has logged off


Percy: Well, the Starbucks cashier asks Nico what coffee he wants

Percy: And Nico replies, "I want the coffee the same way I want women"

Thalia: Oh

Percy: And the cashier looks at him all confused like, "So sweet? Hot?"

Percy: And he replies, "No. I don't want any coffee, I want a cake pop."

Thalia: Oh

Percy: Yup


Nico posted a status 
There are too many people on this Earth. We need a new plague. -With Percy Jackson

Elizabeth: Shhh baby shhh

Nico: Did you just-

Elizabeth: No

Nico: Um-

Elizabeth: Shhh

Nico has been removed

Piper: Liz?

Elizabeth: Yes?

Piper: Do I want to-

Elizabeth: No



(A/N): I have no words for this. None at all. Except: Thank Tumblr.

Okay, now back to writing my essay about Manifest Destiny splitting the nation apart.


P.S. Also, this magical tumblr post needs to be in your life

Will: (^∇^❀) I'm a little sunny flower~
Bad person: Nico is shit.
Will: (⊙⌣⊙❀) darling.
Nico: Yes? (¬_¬)
Will: (⊙⌣⊙)ノ❀ hold my flower, pretty pls.
Nico: (⇀_↼")ノ❀ pray for that person. Have a good fun, sunshine.

Gods, Demigods, and FacebookNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ