Because This Is What Happens When An Author Has Writer's Block

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Edited: August 4, 2016

Percy posted a status
Well... I'm bored...

Thalia: *rolls eyes* Are the monsters scared of you again?

Nico: Ha, when was the last time a monster was stupid enough to go up to him?

Leo: He's probably literally on their 'Stay Away From' list...

Hazel: Is that why those empousi ran away from him screaming?

Frank: I think it is

Annabeth: *facepalms* Well what do you want us to do?

Percy: Easy, rid the author of her writer's block


Leo posted a status
Wait... what do you mean author?

Annabeth: ...

Thalia: It's time, isn't it?

Nico: I think it is

Percy: Guys, there's something you need to know...

Leo: Yeah...?

Piper: What is it?

Hazel: I'm going to honest... I'm kinda scared...

Thalia: It's nothing really...

Nico: Just the fact that you guys are really doing the things that an author is having you do

Thalia: Nico!

Nico: What?

Thalia: You could've broken the news more gently!

Nico: Oh please, I doubt they even understood what that meant

Leo: Hey!

Nico: Well? You didn't, did you?

Piper: No... But still!

Leo: *pouts*

Jason: So what are you trying to say?

Percy: What we're trying to say...

Annabeth: Is that our world is connected to an alternate universe where our world is decided by the hand of a person.

Percy: Okay, Wise Girl? I only understood that because I actually knew what you were talking about

Annabeth: *rolls eyes* Fine, you explain

Percy: Okay... It's kind of complicated, but I'll try...


Percy posted a status
So basically there's an alternate universe where there is only mortals. And an extremely long time ago (I'm talking about when language was created guys), there were these story-telling times, right? Where they would sit around a campfire and stuff? Like... Uh, oral stories I think they were called? But what they didn't know was that as they told those stories, alternate universes were formed based on those stories.

Percy: So basically when the Greeks came up with those 'myths', an alternate universe was formed based on those myths, and it became reality in that universe.

Percy: And one day, an author in that 'normal' world created our universe while telling a bedtime story to his son. He ended up writing books about it, and what he wrote, happened.

Percy: But then in that world, people loved those books, and they were called 'fans', and depending on their gender, they would be a fangirl or fanboy or maybe they stick to "fan" because there's also genderqueer, gender fluid, agender, etc. so... Anyway

Percy: Now these fans started writing something called 'fanfiction', and those stories created alternate universes in those alternate universe.

Percy: And we're in one of those 'alternate universes', which a girl created when writing something called, "Gods, Demigods, and Facebook."

Leo: ...

Piper: What.

Hazel: The.

Jason: Hades!?

Frank: You're

Leo: Kidding...

Annabeth: No, no we are not.

Leo: I- But- You- So- Then- Like- WHAAAT!?!?

Leo: But I feel so...

Leo: Real...

Leo: o.o

Leo: I-I can't

Leo has logged off

Nico: I think we broke Leo...



(A/N): Hehe, I think my explanation's pretty good. Next chapter will be going back to the Coneona thing in a Thanksgiving Special (kinda weird for me to rewrite it because it's August) and Leo's probably going to be broken even more when I appear... Mwahaha. After all, he logged off before I could surprise him.

Well, until next time!

Current Stats: 2.6K reads, 109 votes
Sneak Peek Title: A Very Thankful- And A Little Hateful- Thanksgiving

Also, I just wanted to say that I will be aiming to publish a new chapter or two every day until I'm caught up


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