A decision made

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 The clock had struck one am, she had to get to work. She gathered all her important documents from around the house. She cleaned out her closet of the necessary belongings. Then she came upon her outfit that was meant for the next day.

She wanted to burn it, throw it out of the window or simply bury it in the garden. Flashes came before her of the times Sameer harassed her and messed with her when she had an important exam or practical.

What right did he have to do what he did? None at all her mind decided then and there. He would not be anyone's ideal life partner. All he wanted was control She flung the outfit, jewelry and shagun in a bag.

"Sameer Mittal you lose, I win," she said aloud.

Meanwhile Randhir was puzzled over his own feelings of restlessness. The girl he hated for two years had left the college. Why did it cause him to feel uneasy and lost? What did he have to lose with her gone? Then a conversation from earlier that day came back to his mind.

Vardhan sir had called him to his office.

" Randhir you are probably wondering why I called you here," he stated.

"Jee sir," Randhir said.

" Randhir I called you here to tell you the reason successful people succeed, They need challenges, and for them to gain confidence to overcome challenges and hurdles, do you know what is required?"

" Himmat aur motivation sir," Randhir replied.

Vardhan turned solemn.

" Do you what your motivation is Randhir? What or who gave you strength when you lost your confidence? Think carefully and you must obtain this motivation any cost. Mujhe pata hai tum mein himmat hai, lekin motivation ka kya hai?"

Randhir looked up to meet his mentor's eyes.

They both knew there was one person besides his own father and Vardhan Rao that would motivate him.

Sanyukta Agarwal.

Present time..

Randhir took a deep breath. The clock struck 2am in his room. If he acted now he could get to Delhi in record time and they could be back at FITE by the late afternoon. He got up to go freshen up. Sleep would evade him until he had his motivation back where it belonged with him in FITE.

It was now nearly six am. She had to hurry and leave before anyone came to awake her. She surreptitiously stepped out to the balcony. She peered down at the ground. She sighed.

" Sanyukta you have to do this, and you can do this!"

She threw down her duffel bag first. Then she strapped her smaller bag on her shoulder. She threw her duppatta rope down.

It was time.

Someone huffed and puffed as he raced in time to see the duppata rope fly down. Then he saw her begin to make her desent.

" Stupid girl! She will break her neck!," he muttered.

Then she lost her balance, and his heart almost stopped but he ran anyway towards her.

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