sam-cheater 💔💔😭😭🥴 pt 2

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I saw a light not knowing where or what I was doing I walked towards the light and found my eyes opening, I look around my dull hospital room and spot croey crying" Corey" I whispered so quietly I don't think I even heard my self but Corey did. Corey shot up and ran straight to my side he hugged me for a good 10 minutes" how long was I out for" I ask,
"5 days, I didn't leave this room five days, sis I can't believe you awake" he said the last part while hugging me so tightly, we left after Corey signed some papers and the doctor did a few more tests. When we got home sam was in our shared bedroom well his bedroom because I moving into my sister bff James Charles. I walked into his bedroom he shot up and said" Y/N...."
I cut him off by saying "no we are over I moving out and into James house" I went to packing my stuff but was stoped by Sam" please Y/n she came at me and kissed me I swear" ,
"Then why did you kiss back" I yell more annoyed then ever right then and there Katrina came in and said " babe I heard yelling you ok" she said smirking"your kidding me right no I should have died" I mumbled but Sam heard me and turned to me with glossy eyes. I got with my stuff and walked out not before punching that bitch straight in thee face, she stumbled back and yelled" VITCH YOU DESERVE TO DIE, baby sam help me" she said the last part to Sam but I yelled back" I AM MAY BE A BICH BUT AT LEAST I AM NOT A SLUTTY WHORE BECAUSE THAT POSTION IS ALREADY TAKIN BY YOU" i walked out of that house with pride in my heat

3 years later

When I left sam I found out I was pregnant with his baby, I was not going back there so I raised the baby by myself and today my beautiful girl is turning three, I am so proud and she keeps asking me about her dad I answer with the same answer every time "when your older". We were at the park with James Charles and the Dolan twins and Corey and Elton and Devyn and some of Y/D/N friends, we were having a great time until I spotted the person who broke my heart, the person I still love, the person who moved on not caring I was pregnant with his child, Sam started walking towards me so I picked up Y/D/N and walked away until he called my name " Y/N wait up" I was in so,e real shit right know so I let Y/D/N running to Corey.

Sam's POV:

It has been three years since the love of my life left me and I am dating katraina but I will never love Katrina like I love Y/N, I was at the park with Colby still thinking of Y/N then I saw her and everyone I started to walk to her hoping she will talk to me, she started to walk away so I yelled" Y/N wait up" she stopped dead in her tracks and turned around. "What do you want" she said with anger in her voice" please I still love you every day I wake up and think how stupid and how I fucked up of letting the love of my life walk away, yes I am dating Katrina only because I tried to get over you and I found out I can't because I am your soulmate and I love you so much, I miss you smile, your jokes, your laugh, they way you lov wearing you hear down, I love everything about you please take me back" I say a bit out of breath because of the huge thing I just said. She looked at me then a little girl that looks like Y/N and I came up to Y/N and said" mummy who is the stranger" I was shocked MUMMY.


Y/D/N came up to me and said " mummy who is the stranger" I could see the clogs turning in Sam's head and then I finally said "Y/D/N this is your dad, Sam this is your daughter" Sam smiles so much then he said" what "
"I found out I was pregnant with you kid after you cheated and I said to myself I don't want my daughter have a cheater as a dad" I said as I walked away "please let me be in her life,please take me back " Sam said holding onto my wrist, I whimpered in pain, he instantly knew what I have been doing , he looked hurt, I sighed and forgave him we had two other kids twins one boy and one girl life can't get any better then this.

So ask who you want next

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