colby-forgive me 💔❤️😭 pt 1

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colbys pov:
i watched as the love of my life walked out of my life , as she closed the front door i felt like i was suffocating in my own tears, i tried to be strong and go to sleep but the video of her walking out my front door and not coming back was replaying in my mind like a broken record, as i finally drifted off to sleep , i thought my worries might be washing alway but i was wrong the we're just coming in,
it has been a month since Y/n walked out of my life and to say i am doing better is kinda true, i am now with this girl R/G/N (random girls name) and i thought i was happy til R/G/N wanted me to go to the shops and get some snacks cause we were gonna have a movie night, as i pulled up to the shops i could see an all too familiar car parked a few cars down but thought nothing of it, i walked in and went straight to the snacks only to see a familiar brunette (or your hair colour) girl crouching down trying to pick out some chips, i was walking straight up to the chips there only to bump into the familiar brunette when she stood up , she fell down " i am so sorry miss" i say as i stuck out my hand to help her up
"no it's ok - COLBY" she says finally looking at my face
i then now know who it was " Y/N"
i was at the getting some snacks because i ran out of ice cream and chips so i was at the store only to be on the ground after bumping into a male , i look up at him "no it's ok- COLBY" i see the face i have missed for a month now , the face that broke my heart
"Y/N" he says helping me up"ummm what are you doing here" he says
"oh i am just picking up some snacks since i run out" i say nodding
"oh ok" he says
"and you" i say trying to start a conversation
"oh here to get snacks for me and my girlfriends movie night" he says smiling
i felt my heart break more, it was as if someone just came up to me and stabbed a knife in my heart.
"oh ok who is you girlfriend if you don't mind me asking" i say awkwardly
"oh it's R/G/N" he says looking straight into my eyes.
i freeze up knowing who she is and remembering something i saw that she was doing yesterday.
"oh .........ok well i need to tell you something important so maybe we could get coffee tomorrow at the old coffee shop we loved" i ask
"sure i will be there around 12:30 pm" he says quite happy
"yep see you then" i say walking to the cash register to pay for my snacks and leave.
i was walking out of the store happy as ever because maybe me and Y/N could be friends cause even though i did cheat i hope she forgives me. i get back home and see an unfamiliar truck in the driveway, i opened the front door only to be greeted by something heartbreaking.

569 words
ok so comment if you want me to do a part 2 because you know i wanna give you want you want and make sure you request ok bye weirdos -xanthia ❤️💖✌🏻

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