brenenn- cheater 😫💔😈💔😫

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i work late at a bar and it was around 12:00 am and i thought why not go surprise my boyfriend brennen since i said i might as well just go straight home from work knowing that i will work late, so i go get tender greens since it is his favourite, i pulled up to house and unlocked the door with the key he gave me and what i saw next was horrible, i saw brennen making out with a random chick, my heart broke i dropped the bag and ran out of the door , brennen did not come after me, my heart broke more knowing he would rather have a slut on him then me his girlfriend of 2 years. i am crying in my bed and have been crying for 2 hours, till crying made me tired and i fell asleep, i woke, up to texts from brennen,
(texts from brennen)

i turned my phone and cried, not knowing what else to do, i called colby bold=colby normal=youhey stranger what's upcolby can you help me get my stuff from brennen'ssure but why he cheated in mei am gonna kill-no your not, just please meet me outs...

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i turned my phone and cried, not knowing what else to do, i called colby
bold=colby normal=you
hey stranger what's up
colby can you help me get my stuff from brennen's
sure but why
he cheated in me
i am gonna kill-
no your not, just please meet me outside his house in 10
ok see you soon
end of call
i made myself look somewhat presentable and meet colby outside of brennen's house dreading seeing him, i pushes my self to the door and knocked , a few seconds later brennen opened the door looking somewhat fine but when he saw me he frowned, "Y/N let me explain" he says trying to get me to listen, i shake my head and move to our old bedroom and their on our old bed was the girl i saw making out with brennen. asleep . NAKED. i started to cry quietly and then walked out with my suit case and colby took it to te car, i looked back at brennen realising that this will be the last time i see him, i get in the car and watch brennen walk into his house crying and seconds later the girl comes out in my old shirt and his shorts and leaves, i say thank you to colby and drive home.

i was washing the dishes and listening to music while my boyfriend of 6 months is taking a shower then someone knocked on the door, i quickly dried my hands and opened the door to.........
5 votes for a part 2
sorry i have been busy i promise i will try and update
bye weirdos p- xany

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