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I looked at Emily as she cried and cried. I've never seen anyone in my life who has cried this hard.

Taylor held out his hands to help her up but she ignored him.

A few seconds later she wiped her tears and looked at me.

She laid down on the ground and shut her eyes.

"Emily?" Taylor called out.

He put his ear to her chest to listen for a heartbeat.

"Rush her to a hospital her heartbeat is slow."

I quickly picked her up and put her in the back seat. I buckled her up and went into the front. I got into the passenger seat and taylor pushed on the gas. All the other boys were going to meet us there.

In no time taylor's car went to a stop. I grabbed emily and ran into an emergency center.

"Hi, wow can i help-" a nurse says but i cut her off.

"Her heart..... Beat is..... Slow." I say trying to catch my breath.

4 nurses came up from behind the check out desk and one said, "floor 2 room 254, take her there." Three doctors came with a strap in wheel chair i strapped emily in a wheel chair and they took off.

I ran after them but two people stopped me. "You can't go in there. Only for patients and doctors."

I ran back to the lobby and saw taylor with a few tears.

I took a seat next to him and told him shes gonna be okay.



Short story much?

Your story sucks.

Suck my ass your story sucks



I actually hope you choke on an apple.

People say Violince is never the answer. Yeah well, if it was the answer i'd shove a brick down your throat.

(^^^only for people who hate^^^)

Anyway, i love you all my non haters.

What do you think happened to emily?



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