Chapter 4

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Chapter 4.

April 4, 2008

Levi's POV

Fuck. What's she doing here? She can't be here! She'd ruin everything! Especially when I was really starting to like Mia's friend, Hannah. I haven't seen her in almost two years, since her parents packed everything up and left. I had no idea it was because she was pregnant. With my child.

"Levi? Are you home?" I heard Jess call out from my room. I put my keys on the counter and dashed up to our room.

"How's my little man?" I cooed as I picked up my 9 month old son, Chase. He's everything to me. I practically when into shock when my ex showed up with a baby on her hip. The fact she was claiming the baby was mine didn't really help either.

"He's good, fed and changed...almost bed time." Jess smiled and kissed him on the top of his little head, full of brown curls, just like his mother.

"So does that mean...?" I smirked and started to bounce Chase slightly, which made him smile. I love seeing that; his dimple in his left cheek is too adorable.

"I don't think so, Levi...if you're thinking what I think you're thinking. There's no way that is happening any time soon. I want to wait until Chase is at least eleven months old before we even dream of adding another. Besides, I just came back...there's no way we should just jump into it after not seeing each other for two years." Jess sighed and pointed her finger at me warningly, I just chuckled and swooped her into my arms for a quick, but fiery kiss.

"We haven't even been together for twenty four hours," she added, with a slight smile.

"I know, Jess." I laughed and shook my head. "So erm...we kinda need to talk."

"I guess we do." she sighed and sat on the bed at the same time I did. "Okay, Levi...I want to keep Chase; if you want we can arrange weekends for him to come down here but I want him as my child."

"And I respect that; I wouldn't want you to give him up for adoption either. But at the same time...I want Chase in my life. I don't want you taking him from me." I snapped. I would fight like hell if if meant keeping Chase, I waned my Son to know his Daddy.

"I would never just take Chase from you, Levi. I want him to have his Daddy around."

"Chase is going to need a father-figure in his life when he's older; you cannot have full custody..he's my son. Chase is all I have left; if you took him, I'd have nothing left to live for." I choked out, Chase might not have been in my life for long...but I love him to pieces already.

And the truth is; I really wouldn't. I guess I could live for messing with Mia; that girl honestly makes me laugh sometimes. But other than Chase, I have no family. My parents kicked me out; because I was a playboy and always bringing a different girl home every day. My sisters never talk to me anymore...I'm all alone really. The whole playboy image is fake; if I found a girl I really liked, I'd settle down with her. Like Hannah; I really like her, and I don't say that very often. I could see myself settling down with her in a few years; starting a family...

"Okay, Levi...I think it's time I tell you this." Jessica sighed, which pulled me away from my thoughts and I turned to look at her.

"Levi..I'm pregnant again. And it is definitely your baby; I haven't had another boyfriend since you broke up with me. I don't know how it happened; what are we gonna do? Chase is only five months; he'll barely be one by the time this little one comes along. Levi, I'm scared." she whimpered. I'm pretty sure my face was pale as a ghost; this can't be happening.

"Jess! Don't say that! We can't, we can't have another baby...we're barely seniors in high school. Then there's college; we can't do this." I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. Why does this have to happen to me? And why now?

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