Chapter 8

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Chapter 8.

May 15, 2013

Mia's POV

Today is the day I've been waiting for, since I started high school. Today is the day I'm graduating high school; I can't believe it's finally over.

"I can't believe my little sister is still feels like the Christmas when you got the Barbie Dream House." Chris laughed and ruffled my hair as he walked into the living room. I groaned and slapped his hand away.

"Shut up.." I laughed. "I'm not that much younger than you."

"You are though," he smirked. "You're four years younger than me, a whole forty-eight months younger."

"Meanie." I muttered and started towards the stairs to go to my room, until a voice stopped me.

"Mia, honey, shouldn't you eat some breakfast? You have a big day today." Karen's soft voice made me turn on my heel to look at her and I folded my arms across my chest.

"No, I'm not hungry." I muttered and glared at the woman who, unfortunately, is my mother.

"But you barely touched your dinner last night; Mia..a growing young lady like you needs food. You're too thin anyway, you need to eat some meat and gain some protein." Karen scolded me. Funny, I was thinking the exact opposite, I need to lose weight, not gain any.

"I'll eat later, I need to get ready. I'm going to Samantha's later to get ready. I'm picking Jess up at 12:00 and then we'll hitch a ride with Sam to the school at 2:00." I sighed and without eating for another word, I left Karen in the living room and locked myself in my room.

"Pssst...Mia." A voice coming from my window made me jump twenty feet in the air. I turned and saw Seth on the lawn in front of the house.

"Seth?!" I hissed. "You can't be here! Not now! My mom's still here; and we both know she doesn't really approve of you!"

"I know, Mia." He sighed. "But I just wanted to tell you, don't make any plans right after graduation, I have a surprise." Awww, my boy is so sweet; he didn't have to do anything.

"But don't you have school?" I questioned and cocked my head to the side, even if he couldn't see it.

"Nah, my mom said I could ditch to go to my girlfriend's graduation." He smirked. "My mom thought watching you graduate was more important than learning stuff."

"You didn't have to do that." I sighed. "Whatever, I'll see you later. You have to go now."

"Until later, my love." He said in a fake British accent and blew me a kiss before he jogged back to his car. I shut the curtains and slumped down on the ground. That was close! But Seth is the sweetest thing ever!


An hour and a half later I was out of the shower and getting my stuff I'd need to take to Sam's.

"I'm off now!" I shouted and grabbed my car keys. Chris came out from upstairs and gave me a hug.

"I'll see you later, graduate." He smirked and kissed my cheek, then went back to the living room where I could hear Stephanie, Tommy and Nehemiah.


"Hey Mrs Jones, is Sam here?" I smiled as Sam's mom, Lola answered the door.

"Of course, Mia..she and Jessica are in her room." She smiled and stepped back for me to get inside, I thanked her, then jogged up the stairs to her room.

"What am I gonna do?! I'm gonna be a freaking whale up on stage today." Jess grumbled and fell back on Sam's bed. Crap! I forgot Jess was three months pregnant. Well that'll make this an interesting graduation...

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