Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

December 10, 2013

Mia's POV

Blah! I feel like crap's officially December and I'm a little over halfway through my first year at Stanford.

"Mia, open the door for me please..." Seth's worried voice came from the hallway, so I quickly wiped my mouth with a piece of toilet paper and flushed the toilet.

"What was that? Are you okay?" He asked as he took me into his arms and carried me to the living room.

"Yea.." I smiled weakly to reassure him. "I'm fine; everything's fine."

"Mia, we've been dating for almost two years, I can read you like a picture book and I know you're anything but fine. Now are you going to tell me what's wrong?" He asked softly, but his voice raised a bit with that last sentence. I flinched a little scooted away from him.

"Errr...Seth, well, I don't know how to tell you this, but uhm...well, I'm pregnant." I mumbled and looked down, waiting for the yelling. He's not going to want me now; this is the worst possible time to have a baby!

"Holy crap, Mia! That's amazing, baby girl!" I looked up and saw he was standing in front of me. Before I could say anything or do anything, he picked me up and spun me around in circles.

"Okay! I got it! Stop, I'm gonna puke!" I shouted and slapped his back a few times, before he actually put me down.

"How far along are you?" He smiled as we both sat back on the couch and he wrapped his arms around me.

"With the dates, I'm six weeks tomorrow. According to the dates, the baby was conceived on Thanksgiving." I saw his eyes light up as he remembered that night; that was a crazy and definitely passionate night between us...

"But," I sighed. "With me being pregnant, that will probably push the wedding back even more. So I'd say, we're looking at...five or six years from now."

"That's just fine, long as I still get to make you my wife someday." He breathed and kissed the top of my head.

"Definitely, Seth." I giggled and shook my head. "You gave me this ring, right? And I said yes, right?"

"Alright, touché." He smirked and stole a quick kiss.

"Seth, I'm scared.." I admitted, even though I didn't want to admit it. But I am.. Seth turned to look at me with a confused look. I raised my eyebrows and he immediately understood.

"Mia Victoria, listen to me. We will not lose this baby. Okay? I know it's scary, since it's happened once before. But it won't happen twice. We know now, so you can be more careful. And in eight months, we'll get to meet him or her." Seth said softly and cupped my cheeks in his hands. I let out a shaky breath; I love when he does makes me feel safe for some reason.

"But what if I do something wrong?" I cried. Crap! I didn't even know I was crying!

"You won't, Mia. You're going to be a perfect mother..I know it." He chuckled and shook his head. I just slapped his chest.

"That's strange, because according to Hannah Montana, 'Nobody's perfect,'." I smirked and trailed off. I had no clue what the rest of the lyrics were.

"Oh! Since when are you a secret Hannah Montana fan?" Seth raised an eyebrow and faked shock.

"Shut it...that was my favorite Disney Channel show when I was little." I laughed defensively. I felt my left eye twitch when he was trying to hold back laughter.

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