Chapter 18

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Chapter 19.

June 13, 2013 ( Mia is 7 months pregnant )

Mia's POV

"Seth can we please go shopping for the baby's nursery today?" I asked as I waddled down the stairs. I swear this baby is going to weigh fifty pounds; I'm more than a whale, I'm five whales.

"I suppose we can, baby girl." He chuckled and got off the couch, to make his way over to me. We found out the sex a few weeks ago and so now we've got their name picked, we can find something with to put their name on, like a blanket.

"Thank you." I got on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "You're the bestest fiancé ever."

"Guilty as charged." His voice came out extra husky and he winked. I bet I looked like a fire truck and I had to hold back a moan.

"Stop that now, mister or we won't get anything productive accomplished." I giggled and pressed my body into his. With these hormones I've been a lot more...I don't know the word. But I've been trying to seduce Seth a lot more.

"I'd be perfectly okay if that didn't happen." He growled against my lips and then pressed them against mine. I smiled into the kiss and looped my arms around my neck.

"We've got fourteen weeks...besides I know what stuff I want, we just have to actually buy it." I whispered, before pressing my lips to Seth's neck.

"I'm perfectly okay with that." He chuckled and picked me up bridal style, making me squeal and dashed up to out room.

"Baby, you have no idea how much I love pregnant Mia." He growled as he threw me on the bed, then crawled over me. "I'm definitely going to be making sure you're pregnant a few more times."

"Easy cowboy...we're barely halfway through the first; give it a few years." I giggled and started to lift his shirt over his head.

"Yea yea..." He rolled his eyes before his lips swooped in to meet mine. "Get ready, baby girl."


"Wow." I mumbled and rested my head on Seth's sweaty chest. He chuckled and I felt him kiss the top of my head.

"That was hot." Seth breathed and cleared his throat. I turned my head to look at him and smiled.

"As always." I grinned, he smiled back and kissed me ever so softly. I closed my eyes in pleasure; even the smallest peck on the lips makes me happy, makes me smile.

"So, Seth, you like the name we've picked out?" I asked as I began to trace patterns and lines on his bare, toned and tanned chest.

"Of course, babe. Jace David it is." I could hear him smiling..if that makes sense. I knew it was going to be a boy; call it mother's intuition, if you will.

"I love it." I smiled and wrote out 'JACE DAVID' on Seth's chest, I heard him chuckle at that.

"I love you." He retorted. That made me giggle like a love sick teenager. Actually...I am one. I'm nineteen and I love Seth more than anything. Well, maybe I love this tiny baby more...

"Seth, how many kids do you want?" I asked cautiously, slightly worried of his answer. Say anything over four and he can go jump for all I care.

"Three." He said simply, after about a minute of thinking. Three sounds like a good number, I could do that. But I might have to change my mind when I go through actual labor; that thought is scaring the you-know-what's out of me.

"Oh my god.." I mumbled and sat up, then placed my hands on my stomach. I love that feeling.

"What? Babe, are you in pain? Is it the baby?" Seth rambled on and on, I shut him up finally with a kiss.

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