Chapter 6

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Chapter 6.

April 10, 2008

Mia's POV

"Chris, I'm off to the store now!" I shouted and grabbed my car keys.

Instead of Christian coming down the stairs, Stephanie did and she had Nehemiah with her; he's gotten so big.

"Oh, Mia, could you pick some stuff up for me?" she asked and dug in her purse, then found a piece of paper and her wallet.

"No problem." I smiled and took the list from her, but refused the money. "I don't need that, I'll get it."

"Are you sure? Mia, I feel bad for that..." she sighed and tried to give me the money.

"It's not a problem, I'll be back later." I smiled and kissed Nehemiah on his forehead then ran out to my car.

When I got to the store I parked and grabbed a cart and went to the dairy aisle; we were almost out of milk. I looked down and smiled when I felt a little tug on my jeans.

"Chase, honey, stop that." A woman, around nineteen sighed and shook her head. "I'm sorry, ever since he's learned to walk he goes everywhere when I'm not looking."

"It's not a problem, he's adorable." I smiled and looked at the girl. She looked familiar but I couldn't place how. "How old is he?"

"Seven months." She smiled. "And I'm three months pregnant with another."

"Awww, congratulations." I smiled, moving out of the way of some other people who were trying to get by.

"Thank you," she smiled, looking through her cart. "I should probably get going; my boyfriend is waiting in the car."

"Oh, I'm Jessica, by the way." she rushed out before she left the store after paying.

I finished going around and getting everything else Stephanie needed and then paid, before I left and went back home.

"Hey Mia." Christian smiled as I walked in through the front door and put the bags on the counter.

"Hey." I smiled back and grabbed a granola bar and plopped on the couch next to him, then opened my laptop.


I was really getting into Law And Order: Special Victim's Unit when there was a knock at the door.

"Hey Seth." I smiled and stepped back for him to come in, but he stayed outside.

"Mia, can we go for a walk?" he asked and reached for my hand. I let him it and we started walking down the bike path down to the local park.

"Mia...I don't know how to say this..." Seth sighed as we walked over to a little bench and sat down. His tone is scaring me...

"Seth," I gulped and tried to blink back tears. "What's wrong?"

"Mia," he sighed again and took hold of my hands. "I got accepted into Penn State and I... I really want to go."

"Seth, you-you got accepted? That's great.." I whimpered. "But what does that mean for us?"

"I'm sorry, Mia." He said softly and wrapped me in his arms. "I'll be back here as soon as the year is over, don't worry baby girl."

"Stop it!" I cried, I didn't even realize I was crying. "Stop it! You're just like everyone else! My parents left me, Christian is all I have left!"

"Mia, baby girl I'm sorry but-" he sighed but I cut him off, I glared at him and squirmed out of his grip.

"But nothing, Seth. I should've known you'd leave me!" I shouted and started walking home, even though he was calling me back to the park. I can't believe he's going to forget everything between us...

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