Chapter 5

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Chapter 5.

April 7, 2008

Mia's POV

"Thanks for this, Hannah." I giggled and got off the treadmill. Hannah and I went to the gym today and I was able to push myself for that extra mile.

"Yea, it was nice. And you know the best part of working out?" she smirked, as we went to pick up our bags and then went out to her car.

"Starbucks." we giggled in unison.

When we pulled up, she parked the car and we made our way inside. When I caught sight of the guy behind the counter, I froze.

"Mia? What's wrong?" Hannah asked, concern clear in her voice.

"Levi." I gasped and swallowed the lump in my throat when I locked eyes with him.

"Oh shit, Mia." he mumbled, before he quickly looked away.

"What's up with him?" Sam laughed and rolled her eyes as we went up to order.

"I dunno.." I laughed before turning to the barista to order. "Hi, can I have a grande pumpkin spice latte?"

"Of course you can." he grinned. "That'll be 3.50$. My name's Jake if you need anything else."

"Thanks." I smiled and handed him the five dollar bill. He gave me back my change and I waited for my drink while Hannah ordered hers.

"Oh my god, that guy was totally flirting with you!" she squealed as we sat down with our drinks. she ordered two cake pops as well.

"He was not...he was just being nice." I rolled my eyes and slapped her arm. "Besides, Seth has my heart already."

"Oh really? Then why is he walking back over here right now?" she giggled and pointed behind me. I gulped and turned around, Jake was walking towards us with a smile on his face.

"And if Seth has your heart, why are you blushing?" she asked again and nudged my side. I slapped her hand away as Jake made his way over.

"What's your name, cutie?" he smirked as he sat down opposite San and I.

"Err...Mia." I giggled and looked down. I knew I must've been blushing tomato red.

"Are you free tonight, Mia? I'd like to take you out for dinner." he asked softly. The way this guy said my name made me melt on the inside a little.

"Look, seem like a sweet guy, but you should know I'm taken already." I sighed and looked at him with apologetic eyes. I glanced at Hannah and got an idea.

"Hey Jake, this is my friend Hannah. She's single and looking for a good time." I ignored her death glare and turned to Jake.

"Uh...hi." she mumbled and started messing with the lid of her drink.

"You're hot." Jake stuttered and I saw his eyes go straight to Hannah's chest.

Typical man.

"Mia?" Hannah laughed and waved her hand in my face. I shook my head and looked back at her.

"So erm...Jake asked me out." she muttered so low, I almost missed it.

"He did?!" I smiled, I knew I'm a perfect match maker!

"Yea...we talked a little and then he asked me for my number and I gave it to him and then he said he'd call me to tell me where he's taking me on a date..." she kept talking but I tuned her out when I caught sight of something that broke my heart. How could he?

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