Chapter 17

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Chapter 17.

January 23, 2013

Seth's POV ( Mia is 14 weeks, 4 days pregnant )

"Oh my god, Seth! I'm so sorry!" I slowly peeled my eyes open and took a deep breath. I instantly regretted it when the smell of bile hit my nose, that was now covering both Mia and I.

"Don't be, baby girl, let's get this cleaned up, yea?" I whispered as I pushed some hair out of her face. She nodded, so I got out of bed and lifted her bridal style into my arms. When I got into the bathroom I put Mia on the counter as I started the water.

"Aww, baby girl, don't cry...everything's gonna be okay." I whispered, when I heard her crying. I hate seeing Mia in pain; too bad there's nothing I can do to stop the morning sickness.

"Mia." I sighed and cupped her cheeks in my hands. "Listen to me, everything is going to be okay. You're okay." I was trying to get her to stop crying, clearly that didn't work.

"Now you stay in here as long as you need, okay? Relax." I chuckled softly as I rinsed Mia's throw up off my body in the shower. I made sure she was comfortable, then went and changed the sheets on the bed, since there was throw up on them as well.

I heard the shower still running, so I went downstairs and relaxed on the couch, watching some football.


A little while later the shower had stopped, but Mia hadn't come down yet. Just as I was about to check on her, there was a knock at the door.

"Levi?" I chuckled as I opened the door a little more. I could see he had Chase with him, Chase is a cute little kid, definitely a lot of energy.

"Come on in..." I muttered and shut the door once he and Chase were in. "Hey, Chase, you wanna play with some toys?"

After the first time Mia and I had to watch Chase, Mia decided to get a bunch of toys and a little toy box for the boys. Tommy and Nehemiah also play with them when they're over, so the toy box was a good idea.

"Hey, Levi..was Jessica's morning sickness really bad?" I asked after it had been silent for a minute or two.

"I'm not sure, with Chase, since I didn't even know he existed until Jess showed up at my house last year...but it was pretty bad with Colton and Caden. Mia's shouldn't get that bad, unless she's having twins." Now that idea is just crazy...Mia is seventeen, almost eighteen.. There's no way in hell we could manage twins.

"Definitely not." I chuckled and shook my head. "Mia would've told me if she was having twins...she's not."

"That's good," he chuckled. As he said that I heard a creak on the stairs. I turned and saw Mia slowly coming down the stairs.

"Hey baby girl, how you feeling?" I asked softly as she came and curled up on my lap. She sighed.

"Like crap." She mumbled. She looked like it too. She was extremely pale and her hair was a mess. She definitely wasn't the girl I used to know.

"I'm sorry, Mia, it should go away soon." I whispered and kissed the top of her head softly. I looked at Levi for confirmation, and he chuckled and nodded.

"It better, or you'll never get another kid from me." She muttered and took a deep breath.

"Yea, say that now, but I bet, this time next year, you'll be wanting another one." I chuckled and instantly regretted it when Levi made a slashing motion across his throat.

"Babe, our son is due in late July, it's January...that's six months. Plus the nine our son or daughter will be in my stomach. This little one will be fourteen months when the next comes if I'm pregnant by January of next year...I think I wanna wait a little longer..." Mia sighed. She rested her head back on my shoulder, but a second later she bolted off my lap, and into the downstairs bathroom. A minute later I heard her getting sick.

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