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"The usual." The tall, handsome man with warm chocolate brown eyes, who was now a known stranger slid in front of me in his usual seat. Sharp features with soft expressive eyes, he was beautiful to say the least. It was not a new face neither was it a new illness, I could see that in his eyes. Everyone came here for one reason, to kill the pain blinding them. He was just like others.

Causes of the pain could be numerous but it was either accompanied with sadness or angry depending over the situation.

The stranger whose name I didn't know yet seemed heartbroken. His eyes had fire behind them. He was bottling his anger and trying hard not to burn the people around him.

His whole aura screamed 'don't you dare mess with me'. Now that gave me some chills the first day but that was my job. Often people came here to drink away their misery and often misunderstood me as their companion. Not that I mind. If I could help even if it was just by making someone a drink and giving them a shoulder to cry, I was up for it.

I am that awesome. Thank you.

"I won't repeat again." His slow dangerous voice brought me out of my trance.

I should stop over thinking. If he wants to tell me something, he will. If not mind your own business Murthy. 

His order was on the tip of my tongue though it had only been a week since he started visiting. Not that I was interested in him but because I needed the tips he was so gracious about.

After pouring a mix of jack and coke in a glass, I slid it his way before moving to another customer.

The night went by and it was midnight before I knew.

"Finally, I get to go home." I mumbled under my breath.

I turned around to leave only to be stopped by his voice.

"I need a refill." His voice was deep and groggy.

I nibbled on my lower lip in tension. Adam was not here yet, I don't think I should leave a customer hanging. As it is, he was the only one in the bar.

I smiled at him before getting him a refill. This was his fourth glass for night.

Nandini- Where the hell are you?

Adam- Running a little late. Can you manage for some more time? Please Nandini...pleasee. *puppy eyes*

Nandini- I hate you so much, right now. You owe me two buckets of ice cream -_-

Adam- Love you too, N ;)

The corners of my lips twitched making it harder not to smile at the thought of this idiot. I had to always cover up for him.

That bitch, owed me his life.

"What are you smiling at?" He called out and I was in shock.

He was taking the initiative to talk to me.

To me???


"Boyfriend?" He said eyeing my phone, I rolled my eyes.

"Nothing that concerns you." I shrugged.

Rude much?

"Where were you going?" He said propping his elbows on the table to support his head.

The drink was getting to him. I was surprised he wasn't already dancing or stripping. That's what people do before the bouncers throw them out.

"Home?" I said unsure making him gasp.

"You were going to leave me alone here? Very bad. Very bad." He shook his head and I had to fight a smile back.

He looked adorable.

Shut up nandini. He is a customer.

A cute customer, though.

I giggled. 

"You are very beautiful." He took me offgaurd with his statement. 

I covered my cheeks to numb the redness and the heat creeping in.

"She left me." He said gaining my attention.

"Who?" I sighed knowing where this would end.

"Alya. I thought she loved me." He had a longing in his eyes. Awe, poor soul.

"That sucks." I said sinking against my stool.

"How long were you two together for?"

"5 years."

"Eh! That's...that's long."

"I know." He bobbed his head like an obedient child.

"Why would she leave someone like you?" I said the first thing that came to my mind. I bit my lip in nervousness when I saw him looking at me. He adverted his eyes soon and I looked anywhere but him.

"She is stupid." He cursed, sort off.

The bad boy that looked intimidating before, was just a lost, lonely boy now. Alcohol did wonders in opening emotions and getting one vulnerable. I felt bad for the young man.

"Can't argue with that." I shrugged before taking the glass from him.

Our hands brushed and eyes met. A chill ran down my spine. His hands were cold. I held his gaze briefly before pulling away.

He slapped some currency on the table before standing up, making the chair screech.

I frowned at his retreating figure.

No goodbye?

My phone buzzed.

Adam- I'm here. Thanks bro xoxo.

"Nandini.." I dropped my bag on hearing his voice, startled.

He knew my name.

"Thank you." Before I could reply, he vanished leaving the door swaying.

"Welcome, stranger."


The Stranger✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora