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“What are you doing here?” I hissed. I was pressed against the wall, his hands having a firm grip on me holding me captive.

He was still worried I was going to punch him.


I smirked knowing he wouldn't see it in the dark.
My heart rate zoomed when I felt his lips brush my ear slightly, “I was looking for you.” He whispered, his voice soft and husky.




He was so close to me. His smell was intoxicating.

He slightly loosens his grip on my hands and started making circles with his thumb on the back of my hand. He moved closer till there was absolute no space between us.
I remained frozen.

“What…. are you doing-g?” it was a bare whisper but I knew he heard it because of the smile I felt on my shoulder before he dropped a feature kiss, making a shiver ran down my spine.
“I am doing nothing. Absolutely nothing, Nandini.” He said before I felt a kiss on my cheek.
His lips were so soft and my skin still tinged a few moments after. My skin was on fire.

As if he had burned me.

Didn’t knew a kiss on the cheek would have this effect on me.
“Please…e” the words on the tip of my tongue betrayed me and it came out as a desperate whisper.
This was wrong. I barely knew him.
Heck I didn’t even know his name.
Wasn't he the one who was looking for a friend?

Well, if he didnt knew, this is not what friends do!
“Please what, Nandini?” I knew he was teasing me. He was a jerk.

That I knew about him
A jerk who made sure you reach home safe.
I felt another kiss. This time it was my neck. He left a few trail of kisses before his hands cupped my face.

His hands were warm and I was too embarrassed to admit how good this felt. I wanted him to stop but couldn’t shake the butterflies in my stomach.

A part of me didn’t wanted him to stop. Wanted to know what would happen between us if i just moved along.
“Is this what you want Nandini?” he said placing a kiss on my hand he was holding. A small light reflected through the window when a cool breeze brushed my face.
My eyes met his soft brown ones.
“What?” I said breaking the silence.
“Tell me.” my hand nonchalantly moved to caress his face. The only weird thing about this situation was that it didn’t feel weird.
“Nandini I want you to look at me..” he lifted my chin with his index finger before continuing, “I want you to look me in the eye and tell me what you want!” his voice was edgy and his eyes vulnerable.
The time seemed to stop whenever I looked in his eyes. They were hypnotizing and mesmerising at the same time.

I was under a spell.
Before I had time to think, the words on the tip of my tongue rolled,“I want you to kiss me.”
I felt his lips brush mine and my eyes closed on its own accord. My hands moved to his neck and slightly gripped his hair when the kiss depended.
The kiss was soft and needy and made my toes curl.
When his lips left mine, he rested his forehead against mine. We both felt out of breathe.
“that was…"
“I know..”
“I KNOW TOO.” we heard a voice which made me jump away from him.

I was embarrassed to say the least.

It was Adam.

I shuffled around. Picking up a few bottle of booze and leaving before glaring at adam.

Adam followed me like a puppy and I didn't dare to look at the handsome man I had just kissed. Something told me he was probably smiling at my embarrassment.
"Girl! Tell me everything!" I heard adam vine like a child.

"Not a word Adam!" I said trying to sound angry but he was shameless. He just gave me a look that told me he wasn't going to shut up about it till i told him everything.

"He was the one who saved me from those goons that day." I said not meeting his eye. A small smile spread on my lips as I remembered hugging him that day. How he made sure I was home, safe.

He wasn't so bad.

"Oh my god! You are so into him! I can see it!" He squealed.

He was worst than having a girl friend.

"Adam stop behaving like a girl!"

He gave me a devilish look which told me I wasn't going to like what was coming. "Is he a good kisser? Tell me!"

My cheeks turned red from embarrassment. "You are impossible" I tried to stop the smile that threatened my lips.

He had his hands on his waist and he nodded proudly, "So I have been told!"

I walked away from adam to get some ice and also to get away from the questions he kept throwing my way.

To say I was embarrassed would be an understatement.

Because  I was clumsy to say the least I had to bump into someone and fall.
I closed my eyes ready to feel the pain but felt nothing. I slowly opened my eyes to see the guy I had kissed.

Seriously I was running out of names to call him.

My eyes met his and I knew I was a goner.

"Tell me Nandini, am I a good kisser?"he smirked.

A blush crept on my neck and cheeks. Adam wasn't enough a what, that he had started teasing me too!

We stayed i dont know how long staring at each other when i heard, "I wish I had popcorn. You guys are so adorable."

The stranger just chuckled while I glared at adam after moving away from the handsome jerk.

"I feel so single right now!" Adam said before faking sadness.

This was going to be a long night.

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