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I dangled the keys in front of me, mesmerized by the jingling sound it made.


"Yeah." The words were barely audible.

"Door." He said tracing circles on my waist.

"What?" I asked clearly distracted by his actions.

"Open the door." I blinked back into reality and looked away, clearly embarrassed. His grip remained firm on my waist making sure I didn't fall.

"Sorry. Right."

"Nandini, focus!" I shook my thoughts away before opening my door.

I sighed.

"Home sweet home." I mumbled before pushing the door, close. However before it could close it was stopped by someone's hand.

"H-hey." I was greeted by a panting Manik. He sucked in a deep breath before giving me a smile. He looked worn out.

"Hi." I said, completely shocked by what had just happened.

I blinked before, realizing he was real.
"Oh sorry. Please come in." I said moving aside from the threshold.

"It's pretty late, what are you doing here?" I said after handing him a glass of water. I nibbled on my lip, nervously looking here and there.

I didn't think, I would see him anytime soon.

"Isn't it obvious, I came to see you." He said meeting my eye, "I went to the bar first, but Adam told you already left." His voice was groggy.

"You did?" He nodded before taking off his jacket and settling on the couch like he owned the place.

"Well, make yourself at home." I rolled my eyes on seeing him put his feet up on the coffee table.

He just laughed before putting them down, holding his hands up in surrender, "Your house. Your rules."

"Well, won't you ask me what happened?" He eyed me carefully after sipping his water.

I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Did you wait too long?" He continued when I didn't show interest.

It wasn't my business to know.

"Well, you did tell me to wait." I said as a matter of fact before placing down my glass of water.

"How long?"

"Not that long," I said in a jiffy trying to change the topic."Do you want some snacks?" I was about to get up when he held my hand.

His expression was firm and something told me he wasn't going to let this go before he got the answer.

"Umm..3 hours." I was hesitant.

"What!? Oh God, Nandini!" He looked baffled for a second before it turned into guilt.

"I'm so sorry. I am really sorry and 3 hours, are you kidding me?" He hugged me closing the space between us.


"Shut up!" When he didn't let me speak, I just stood there hugging him and rubbing his back to soothe the conflict he was having in his mind. His grip got tighter on me, like he was afraid.

"I thought I'll make it back...but it was an emergency. Riya-"

"You mean Alya." I corrected.

"No. Alya called because Riya was in the hospital." He broke the hug to look at me.

"Whose Riya?"

"Alya's little sister. Alya didn't knew anyone to call but me. She was scared, there was so much blood-"

"Shhhh, it's okay. Riya is going to be fine." I hugged him again.

"I'm so sorry. Today wasn't planned-" I palmed his mouth, reframing him from speaking.

"You have to stop saying you are sorry or I'm gonna kick you out of the house." The tension in the air lightened when he cracked a small smile.

"You are an idiot, nandini!" He smiled at me like a little kid, nevertheless.

"Hey!" I hit him, feigning offence.

After some time I asked, "Do you want ice cream? It makes everything better."

I gave him a puppy look, hoping he would say yes.

"That's alcohol but ice cream sounds fine." He clicked his tongue in arrogance.

"Jerk." I nudged him before making my way to the kitchen.

"Greta was lovely. We talked about this cute guy that entered the cafè after you left. I wasn't waiting for you just so you know." I said from the kitchen island.

"Sure." He rolled his eyes at me.

"He had green eyes." I tried to sound dreamy.

"I don't want to hear about your stupid crush." He faked a big sarcastic smile while mine was smug, very very smug.

I was enjoying this.

"You are just jealous." I stuck my tongue out.

I took the bowl full of ice cream and propped down next to him.

"Am not." His eyes widen in shock, clearly offended.

The next second something shifted in his eyes making them dance in amusement. He picked up a cushion in front of him and threw it in my direction.

"Sure." I smirked when he missed the shot.

"Give that to me!" He snatched the bowl from me and smirked in victory.

I just shook his head at his child like behaviour.

"It's a good think that I like you." He said as he held a spoon full of ice cream in front of my mouth.


I smiled cheekily before stuffing my mouth with the sugary goodness.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked with a mouth full.

"Sure. Just not that romantic shit." He scrunched up his nose in disgust.

Looks like someone has an allergy from anything and everything related to love.

"Fair enough. How about 'Coco'?" I said holding up the DVD.

"Hòla senorità!" He said in a terrible spanish accent, making me double over in laughter.

"Try not to cry." I said in challenging tone after sobering up.

"Challenge accepted." We shook hands before propping on the couch with more ice cream and the movie started.

He cried. I saw a hint of tears but he was too proud to admit.

"Nandini," he said breaking the comfortable silence.

"Hmmm.." a smile played on my lips as I turned to my side, to see his face.

"What's your favourite color?" I smiled at the warmth of his eyes.

"Brown." I muttered, not thinking.

"My eyes are brown.."

"I know."


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