Chapter 6

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Jordan and D.C. had finished unpacking early, so they decided to make their way downstairs, following Alex's instructions. When they arrived in the living room, they saw that Alex and Kaiden were waiting for them on the sofa. It looked like they had been there a while, with Alex snuggled up into Kaiden's side and his cheek on the top of her head. It sounded like they were having a quiet conversation, about something that neither Jordan or D.C. could pick up. To interrupt, Jordan plonked himself quite noisily onto the sofa opposite them, and at that, both Kaiden and Alex jerked their heads back upright. "Sorry, what were you guys discussing that was so important?" Jordan asked dryly.

Alex looked sheepish. "Sorry, Jordan. Me and Kaid were talking about how it would be fun if we took part in Freyan school while we're here."

"School? And I thought we were supposed to be on 'holiday mode' again," Jordan whined. He tried to make his best pouting face, but everyone just laughed at his efforts. Just then, Bear and Declan burst in the room, their hands linked, and both of them laughing loudly, but they stopped after seeing that all their other friends were silent.

"What's going on?" Declan asked, scratching his head in confusion. "Why does everyone look so..." he struggled to find a word, "why does everyone look so serious?"

To his surprise, but not really, Jordan answered. "Alex and Kaiden here were thinking about enrolling us into a Freyan school whilst we're here," he grumbled.

"To be honest, Freyan school doesn't actually sound half bad, Sparky," Bear mused, looking deep in thought.

"Come on, Jordan! Freyan school is like, ten times easier than Akarnae, and Freyan students have a whole 'popularity system'," Alex said, air-quoting the 'popularity system' bit. She noticed Jordan's frown at that, and she added, "no, seriously Jordan. I wasn't kidding about the popularity system bit."

"Well, why didn't you say so earlier? Let's go!" Jordan all but yelled. He started to get to his feet, but he stopped. "Wait, when are we going?" His question was met with groans from everyone else in the room.

"Tomorrow, Jordan. We go tomorrow," Alex said, amused. "Ok guys, who likes barbeques?" Silence. She tried again, "sorry, let me rephrase, who likes beach barbeques?" At that, everyone cheered. She stood up, pulling Kaiden up with her, as their hands were entwined. Alex lead everyone outside onto the porch where there was a barbeque that was literally begging to be used. In no time, they got it cleaned and set up, and soon they had sausages, chicken and beef on the grill and cooking away. Whilst the food was cooking, Jordan, D.C., Bear and Declan were playing around in the water not far from the house, and Kaiden was helping Alex cook the food on the patio.

Jordan and D.C. were lounging together on the sand, the crystal clear water lapping gently at their feet, before D.C. spoke. "What do you think Freyan school will be like? Do you think it will really be ten times easier than Akarnae?" she asked, her gaze fixed on the horizon.

"Hey Dix, don't worry. Even if Freyan school is ten times harder than Akarnae, this is just for fun. It's a... learning experience. And if that is the case, then let's hope that when we go back to Medora, we'll be way smarter than we were before."

D.C. just laughed at his last statement. "Only you would think for such a thing, Jordan," she said affectionally, punching him in the arm lightly. "But you're right. It is a learning experience. And hopefully we all enjoy the 'wonders of Freyan school'," she joked. Jordan saw her glance over to Bear and Declan, who were playfully splashing each other in the waves, laughing loudly.

Jordan opened his mouth to say something, but he was cut off when Kaiden yelled, "Ok guys, food's ready! Come and eat before it gets cold!" Kaiden was gazing off at the waves, when Alex came up next to him and slipped her hand into his. Just then, D.C. hauled Jordan to his feet, and they both ran towards the patio, with Declan and Bear close in pursuit.

After the barbequed meal, Jordan took a quick shower and changed into his pyjamas. D.C. had already changed (she had showered in the morning) and was reading on the bed. "Hey," she said, looking up from her book, which was rare especially when she was in the middle of reading. "We've got a big day tomorrow with Freyan school and whatnot," she said, shutting her book (shocker!). "We should get some rest. Goodnight, Jordan," she whispered, turning off the light and settling into bed beside him. Her face was the last image he had in his mind before he drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

Long chapter, this one! Just hope it was worth it... Hope you guys enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing it!

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