Chapter 12

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Avery (continued)

Avery ran as fast as she could. Never before had she ran as fast as she did that day, doing everything in her power to prevent Alex from winning. The true deal was, if Avery won, Kaiden would be hers. But if Alex won, she would keep Kaiden and Avery would have to back off. Not that she would, anyways. But still. As soon as Kaiden yelled "GO!", Avery had pushed Alex out of the way and started sprinting away from the starting line. And that was a mistake. Two mistakes, actually. You see, as a sprinter, Avery could only run at top speed for a short amount of time, and she had very little stamina. However, Alex, she discovered, had both speed and stamina. Avery had just run past the quarter mark on her first lap, and that was when she heard it. Pounding footsteps at a fast pace, coming closer ad closer towards her.

Avery glanced backwards, and to her horror, she saw Alex only a few steps behind her. Noticing her rapidly paling face, which should be impossible in a running race, Alex nodded coolly. "Hey," she said, now running alongside Avery. And the most annoying thing Avery found was that Alex didn't seem to be out of breath. At all. And remember how I said Avery had made two mistakes? Well, the first was that she was running at full speed, even though she knew she wouldn't be able to keep it up for much longer. And the second, well, she discovered that when she saw Alex catching up to her. Realisation dawned on her that she should never have pushed the other girl like that at the starting line, as she could see Alex's eyes burning with a determined fire, one that Avery knew she would never win against. And within those few moments in which all of this happened, Alex had overtaken Avery entirely. She could hear Alex's friends cheering wildly from the side-lines, along with a few other students from the school who thought Avery was long overdue to be taught a lesson. She gritted her teeth and tried to continue as hard as she could, but she just couldn't. She had reached her limit. I really should have saved my energy and paced myself, she thought. Hindsight really sucks. Regret too. Oh well, it wasn't as if she could do anything about it now. She was now entering her second and final lap, with Alex about halfway through it.

As she passed the start/finish line, entering her final lap, she heard Kaiden yell encouragingly, "come on! You can do this; I know you can!" Avery felt a rush of heat touch her cheeks, but before she could open her mouth to rasp out her thanks, he sent a menacing glare towards her. Oh, she thought miserably, it wasn't for me then. Avery tried running as fast as she could, but by the time she was not even a quarter of the way into her second (and last) lap, she could see out of the corner of her eye Alex crossing the finish line, beaming madly even though she got pushed down at the start. Avery struggled on, gasping and panting hard when she finally crossed the finish line. Almost immediately, she stumbled and succumbed to a wave of nausea, throwing up on the track, and earning moans of disgust from Alex's friends and the entire school. Just the thought of being humiliated in front of he whole school made her throw up again. It was only after she finished emptying the contents of her stomach did her friends come rushing to her side, fussing over her like a mother to a small child. Avery's head swam, and the last thing she saw was her friends dragging her towards the infirmary and calling out for teachers before the darkness finally wrapped her in its warm embrace. 

Hey guys! As always, thank you so much for all the support I'm getting on this story. It's always good to find some new Medoran Chronicles fanfic, ain't it? Anyways, I've already started work on chapter 13, so you should expect that to come in a bit. Also, I'm really bad at describing races, and I'm sorry, so forgive me for that. But for now, happy reading!

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