Chapter 16

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She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. She was always at the wrong place at the wrong time. Today, she was just passing through the cafeteria, sticking to one side, so she wasn't blocking the way. But no. Life wouldn't let her pass through the fricking cafeteria without getting herself into trouble; nothing new, really. So, she wasn't very surprised when she was stopped by Avery, who had that Alex girl being held by the collar by one of her minions. They appeared to be in the middle of 'talking', and to Avery, Evelyn probably looked like she was eavesdropping. Which she wasn't. All she wanted was to eat her lunch somewhere quiet, preferably outside. She sighed as she turned to face Avery, who was looking at her with her hands on her hips.

"Well?" demanded Avery, who was glaring daggers at Evelyn, who was looking down at her feet. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

The truth was, Evelyn wasn't scared of Avery, unlike others at the school. She simply thought that Avery was a snobby, spoilt brat, who liked to hurt people deliberately. And who was this girl Alex, who just transfers in the middle of the term? Where did she and her friends come from? Oh well, it didn't matter, since they both had a common enemy: Avery. 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend'. She then realised Avery and now Alex was looking at her expectantly, waiting for her to respond. Alex was looking at her, almost begging her with her eyes to say something sensible and run, get away from Avery, to let her handle it. No. Evelyn was not going to let this stranger stand up for something the whole school had been too cowardly to do before by herself. As part of Oakwood High, Evelyn was just as responsible for putting Avery in her place just as much as Alex did. So, she looked up defiantly at the silvery-haired girl and finally did the right thing. She let it all out.

"What do I have to say for myself?" she whispered quietly. "What do I have to say for myself?" she continued, incredulous, her voice getting stronger. "I'm sorry Avery, but if you think that you can go around, hurting people and causing them trouble, I should be asking you this. What do you have to say for yourself?" Evelyn hissed, stalking towards the older girl. A look of pain flashed across Avery's features, but to Evelyn's astonishment and disbelief, Avery mostly ignored what she said. Who does this girl think she is? She thought.

Avery stepped closer and looked Evelyn in the eyes, Avery's storm-grey ones meeting Evelyn's light hazel. "I don't know what you're talking about," she said, flipping her hair. Her stormy eyes burned with vengeful desire, and she held her chin up stubbornly. "What have I ever done to you?" the silver-blond girl demanded, looking more-than-slightly annoyed. At this point, Alex was starting to look very curious, as if wanting to hear what Evelyn would say in response.

Evelyn was now completely pissed off. "What have you ever done to me?" she screeched, hate bubbling up inside of her, ready to spill out and lash back at Avery. "Can you hear yourself right now, Avery?" she spat out the name with barely any self-control. "Do you not remember?" at the other girl's stubborn look, Evelyn kept talking. Alex, who was still being held captive, was looking down with interest shown clearly over her features, and Alex's friends, who had heard Evelyn starting to make a scene, had rushed over. "You were the one who got me involved in a car accident on purpose! You were the one who damaged the brand-new car I was saving up so long for! You were the one who made me lose my leg and get a prosthetic one! And it was you who was the one who killed my brother!

Yep. The truth is now out. And that's chapter 16 done! I'm now just jumping in between my two fanfics: this one and A Trip Through Time (the HTTYD one). I'm just basically updating one chapter of one, and then updating one chapter of the other, and then just back and forth. So if you haven't already checked out my other fanfic, you can see it from my profile or search up "A Trip Through Time", and it should be there. Should. Anyways, you should see that it's by me, although it's just easier for everyone if you view it from my profile. Yah. Again, thank you fro reading and supporting this story and sticking with it so far, and enjoy!

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