Chapter 19

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"What? You're from where?" gasped Evelyn, who had jumped behind Alex's sofa. "So, if you're not from Earth, does that mean you guys are aliens coming to kill everyone on the planet?"

Bear sighed and put his face in his hands. "Just because we're what you would call 'aliens', doesn't mean we're gonna kill you. We swear."

At this, Evelyn looked a bit more less close to panicking, but a wave of distrust washed over her. "Ok, you claim to be from some parallel planet called Medora, but can you actually prove it?" she stood up with her hands on her hips, giving them an uneasy look.

Now Alex stood up from where she had been sitting with Kaiden. She gave a weary sigh before turning and facing her friends. "I know we're on a holiday in Freya, but we need to take Evelyn back to Akarnae to prove that we're not lying about Medora. I'm sorry, but if you want to stay here, then you can. Just don't," she paused, looking at Jordan, "trash the place."

Jordan had a cheeky grin on his face as he cupped his hand to his ear. "What was that? Sorry, I didn't hear that last part. Did you say that we could trash the place?" This earned him an elbow in the ribs from D.C., a death glare from Alex, and quiet chuckles from the rest, while Evelyn stood awkwardly in a corner, not used to their banter. Jordan held his hands up in a surrender, before speaking again. "What?" he said offensively, "I really didn't hear that last bit, 'kay? No need to make a fuss," he muttered.

Alex rolled her eyes before mentally summoning a doorway back to Medora. Bear saw Evelyn gaping at the shimmering portal with her mouth wide open. "So, is anyone staying here while we go back?" Alex's query was met with silence. "Oh, so we're all going now? Great, let's go." And with that, she led Evelyn through the doorway, and the rest of them followed behind.

When they emerged from the other side, Evelyn let out a gasp. They had landed on edge of the Ezera Forest, and the campus of Akarnae was in sight, the buildings gleaming in the orangey sunset. "What is this place?" Evelyn asked, awestruck.

Declan laughed at her expression. "This, Evelyn, is our school."

Alex cleared her throat. "I'm going to take Evelyn to meet Darius- I mean Headmaster Marselle. Are you guys gonna go back to your dorms, or do you have anything else in mind...?" she trailed off, looking at Bear.

Bear caught Alex glancing over at him. "What?" He looked over to Jordan, who mouthed your family. Oh. "Um, would it be ok if Jordan, Declan, Dix and I go back to Woodhaven to go check on my family? You, Kaiden, and Evelyn could go visit Marselle." Bear took out his com TCD from his pocket and texted his family, saying that he would be home soon.

Alex gave a warm smile of approval before a Library doorway appeared out of nowhere, with Woodhaven on the other side. "I'll come and pick you guys up in 45 minutes, 'kay? If we're not there by then, use a bubbledoor to come back here. Text if you need anything," Alex said, turning to face the academy campus. She made a shooing gesture to the four of them, who, without further hesitation, walked through the doorway and disappeared.

Bear and the others appeared in front of his house in Woodhaven, and it was just how he remembered it. Birds were singing merrily in the lush trees, and the smell of Gammy's apple pie was wafting out into the driveway. Approaching the front door, Bear and the others ascended the steps and- well, Bear had planned to knock and wait, but apparently that wasn't going to happen. Before he knew what was happening, Jordan barged past him and threw the door open wide, and barrelled inside, earning screams from probably Evie and Dorothy. Bear, D.C. and Declan sighed and rolled their eyes simultaneously, before going in after Jordan to clean up the mess their friend had made. But when they entered the living room, the scene before them was not at all what they expected.

Suddenly, a familiar voice behind them made Bear spin around. "Well, well, well... Look what we have here, Blake."

Ummm... So I did say last time that I would have updated more often on the week that I was off, but I'm going to stop lying to both you guys and myself. I'm sorry, but I tend to say things but not actually follow up on it, so there you go. Cos I normally write the chapter draft on my laptop on the way back from school in the afternoon, but since I had a week off, there was no back-from-school-writing-session. So I do apologize for that. Also, I did mention maybe a chapter or two ago that I might start a Miraculous Ladybug fanfic, but as I just said, I tend to say things without actually doing them. If I manage to do that in the future, I'll let you guys know... Anyways, thanks for reading, and hope you enjoyed!

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