Chapter 21

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With Alex mysteriously called away by Bear just moments ago, Kaiden was ultimately left with Evelyn on the walk towards the tower in which the headmaster's office was located. Kaiden didn't know what he thought about Evelyn; she seemed like a sweet girl with a tragic backstory, but he couldn't help but feel that something was off. He read her thoughts, but they seemed like any normal girl's thoughts when they are whisked away through a magical doorway to a strange new world: confused, shocked, amazed. But Kaiden could not shake off the sense that something was slightly fishy (he learnt this Freyan term from Alex). For Alex's sake, he shrugged it off and gave Evelyn a quick "tour" of the school as they passed by, only pausing briefly at the foot of the headmaster's tower, a magnificent structure gleaming in the early evening light. After pulling open the doors, they started the climb up to the top of the tower, where Marselle's office was located. Once they reached their destination, they knocked, and entered after hearing the headmaster telling them to.

When Kaiden walked into the room with Evelyn trailing behind him, Darrius couldn't help a look of surprise cross his face. "Kaiden! What brings you here, back to Medora, before your time in Freya was over?" the headmaster inquired. "Oh, and where is Alex?"

Kaiden cleared his throat before answering. "Alex sends apologies for not being with us right now; she was called to Woodhaven with the rest of our group," he said. "And this here is Evelyn," he said, gesturing to his companion, "who is a friend of our from Freya."

Evelyn gave what seemed to be a nervous smile at Darrius, and in return, he narrowed his eyes a fraction at her suspiciously, before returning his expression into what it was before. "How did you guys meet Evelyn?" he asked, clearly not trusting Evelyn for some reason. Kaiden decided to read his thoughts and was genuinely confused by what he could see; thoughts like traitor, intruder and accomplice of the Platinum Witch were swirling around in Marselle's mind. The younger man didn't know what any of these meant, but he was certain that it couldn't be any good. Was this the odd feeling about Evelyn that he felt himself not long ago? He couldn't piece it all together, but he hoped that when he was reunited with Alex and the rest of the group, they could help him figure it all out. It felt as if there was something both Darrius and Evelyn knew, but they were hiding it from him. Whatever it was, Evelyn's thoughts seemed relatively normal, so he dismissed the fact that Darrius was being suspicious of her; if she was not acting (or thinking) guilty, then he guessed that she wasn't.

Kaiden then realised that Marselle and Evelyn were both staring at him. "Sorry?" Kaiden, asked, completely forgetting the headmaster's question from earlier. When Darrius repeated it, Kaiden didn't hesitate. "Long story short, Evelyn was getting bullied by a girl named Avery," when Kaiden said Avery's name, the headmaster looked up and gasped, his face paling. Kaiden continued, "and we kind of helped her with that (not really) and became friends. We decided to take her here to show her around."

Darrius nodded his head slowly, the colour slowly coming back to his face. Without looking at Evelyn or Kaiden, he said, "Evelyn, do you mind if you give us a minute? I just remembered to tell Kaiden something very important." After a small smile and a quick "no problem" from Evelyn, Kaiden was alone in the headmaster's office, with the headmaster himself. Before Kaiden could even ask what was wrong, Darrius spoke again. "Kaiden, you must not trust that girl. I cannot tell you here, but she is someone you must avoid at all costs. Do not ask why; I'm sure Alex will tell you when you see her after this. Also, whatever Alex does or does not tell you, you must not say any of this to Evelyn. Keep her out of this." The headmaster finished, pausing for a moment before adding, "and if she asks what we were discussing, just tell her that it was about a school matter."

After what he had just heard, Kaiden had decided that he didn't want to hear any more. "OK. Thanks, headmaster. It was good to see you again, and we'll be back soon." With a final wave from Marselle, Kaiden dismissed himself and opened the large office doors, where Evelyn was waiting outside, fidgeting with a stray fibre from her overshirt.

"What was that about?" she asked innocently. When Kaiden told her it was just a school matter, as Darrius told him to, she looked like she didn't believe it, but she didn't press the matter. After they made their way back down to the foot of the tower, and once they were off school grounds, Kaiden pulled out a bubbledoor vial and was about to smash it onto the ground, but he stopped short when he saw another rainbow portal rise up out of the ground. He wasn't that surprised when Alex, Jordan, D.C., Bear and Declan came tumbling out of the portal and onto the ground before him, thanks to his intuition gift he got from his sister.

However, he was slightly surprised when Alex immediately started towards him, took his hand, and led him away from the others. "I need to tell you something," she started, wringing her hands. He nodded, his mouth dry, and she continued, "When I went over to Woodhaven, Jeera and Blake were there, informing us of an intruder into Medora. They had been banished to Freya, and it seems that they came through the doorway with us. But there was no one there, unless they had some sort of gift to hide them, which was very unlikely."

There were a few things that were clicking together in Kaiden's mind, and he had a suspicion of who this intruder was, but he wasn't 100% sure. He needed Alex to confirm his growing suspicion. "Alex," he said, "do you know who it is?"

Alex grimaced a little before replying, "Yeah, I do." The name she said next confirmed all of Kaiden's earlier suspicions. "It's Evelyn."

Let's be honest, who could see that coming? I actually didn't plan this when I started this, but then again, I didn't plan many things that had happened so far; they all just came to me as I was writing. I tried to give some(?) hints linking up to Evelyn in the last chapter, but it may have just turned out bad in the end. Anyways, here I am, publishing this chapter about 3 days after the previous one after a very long break. So yeah, hope you guys enjoyed. :)

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