34- Hiccup and Toothless

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I tugged my jacket closer to me as a cool breeze swept my hair back. Although the weather had begun to warm up slightly, this only brought cold rain and muddy puddles, giving the air an earthy scent. We still had a ways to go before I could put my heater back into storage, but seeing as March had just barely begun, I hoped for nicer, sunnier days to come.

With the thought of warmth in mind, I stuffed my hands into my pockets and attempted to fool myself into believing that Spring was coming soon. King's leash tugged on my wrist as he pulled forward, excited to go and adventure outside our home. With a click of my tongue, he relaxed slightly and the leash sagged from my wrist.

"He's very well trained," Declan commented from my right, "until he's trying to bite your face off..."

After I managed to pull myself together from my embarrassing breakdown earlier, Declan suggested we go for a walk, saying he wanted to show me something. He refused to tell me where we were headed, but I was too tired to push the topic. My hangover had dulled to a steady throb and I was extremely grateful for whatever Declan had given me earlier. Nonetheless, I was still exhausted from... whatever happened last night. Everything was still extremely foggy and my recollection of the previous night's events felt like a word stuck on the tip of my tongue. It was driving me mad trying to figure out what drove me so over the edge as to get so wasted...

I shook my head of the thought before I could depress myself further. So instead, I turned my head to Declan and gave him a small smile.

"Who ever said I didn't train him to do that?" Declan gave me a pointed look and I chuckled. "Joking. He's just protective is all."

Declan looked down at the dog who was trotting along happily in front of us. "I'm glad you have him then."

I gaze followed down to King and I smiled. "Me too." I take a breath and look around the crowded streets of Dartwell, trying to figure out where exactly we could possibly be going. "So are you ever going to tell me where we are headed or are we just going for a nice stroll?"

"It's a surprise," he replied cryptically.

My face scrunched up in displeasure. "I hate surprises."

"Well today you're going to have to suffer through one."

I paused.

"Are we there yet?"


Another pause.

"How about now?"


"What about now?"

He paused in the middle of the sidewalk to turn and face me with narrowed brows. "Are you going to do this the whole way there?"

I shrugged. "You are making me suffer through a surprise, I am making you suffer through my presence."

I gave him a few moments of precious silence before opening my mouth again.

"Are we there-"

"Alexa, I will tell you the moment I lay eyes on it when we get there."

"But I wanna know-"

"Alexa, so help me if you ask that question one more time..."

I let out a huff before reverting myself back into silence, watching King trot along happily. I glanced around the city and watched cars pass by when an idea suddenly came to mind.


I kept my gaze forward but held back a smile as I watched Declan's confused gaze out of the corner of my eye. He looked like he was about to say something when he just shook his head and turned forward again.

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