Chapter 36 - Trust Me

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BTW, I added a picture of the "mystery girl" in the picture with the young musketeers if you wanna go back and see it.

And AHHHHHH Rubix replied to one of my rants about bullying and equality and I feel so good to be recognized by the queen 😆

I wish I could get her to notice my FanFic 🥺 I really want her to know how much I loved her writing and see this tribute I made for her book... But oh well. Maybe one day...

The city passed by in a blur.

Even if Bennett wasn't going twenty miles over the limit, I'm sure the buildings still would have molded together from how fast my head was spinning. Everything was happening so fast and the fact that we were all heading for the place I dreaded the most made my stomach turn. Even when I was young I dreaded the hospital. It never seemed to be a place of any joy for me. Every time I entered those doors I was poked and prodded with needles or little reflex hammers. It was always an uncomfortable experience. But over time, my fear of the hospital changed for a different reason. It wasn't a fear of what would happen to me.

It was a fear of what would happen to those I loved.

The turning in my stomach intensified.

"Alexa?" I was pulled from my thoughts by Naomi, who was staring at me worriedly, "are you okay? You look pale."

I swallowed the lump in my throat and plastered on a smile.

"Do I? Sorry... I think I'm just getting a little car sick is all..." I fibbed.

Naomi's eyes narrowed down on Bennett, who didn't seem to be slowing.

"Bennett, easy on the turns, will ya? And slow down, the baby isn't going to come any second, it takes hours to go through labor."

Bennett slowed down at this, his speedometer falling back down to the limit.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "sorry... I'm not used to this kinda thing."

I glanced around and noticed the giddy, nervous expressions on everyone's faces. Everyone was clearly invested in this baby and ecstatic to see it arrive. Declan for obvious reasons, it's his little sister after all, but the others seemed just as excited as he was.I mean, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Their all practically like... family...

I suddenly felt out of place. Why was I even with them? I've never even met Declan's parents... and I'm hardly as close to any of them as they are to each other. An addition to a family is a special moment and I couldn't help but feel like I didn't belong. I don't deserve to be there. And what with my fear of going into the hospital, maybe I just shouldn't go. Maybe it would be best if I just said something came up and went home... maybe...

I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't even realize we had arrived. The car came to an abrupt stop and Declan seemed to be out of the car before any of us could even take off our seat belts. The rest of the group followed quickly but I lagged behind. Closing the door behind me I gazed up at the cold, white building. A place that symbolized hope for some only signified pain and death to me. It was hardly a place of healing and refuge, in fact the way the windows lined up so paralleled and uniform reminded me more of a prison one could hardly escape. Like my mom... confined to those painfully white walls and floors for months until...

I took a step back from the building and winced at the memories that seemed to come flooding back. 


I was brought back to earth by Naomi's feminine tone and locked eyes with her worried gaze.

She looked at me curiously and then back at the hospital. "Are you coming?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2022 ⏰

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