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© Amber Kalkes 2014



“We’re dead aren’t we?” I ask nervously.

“Without question.”

As Tyler utters the last two words the study door slams open with a crazed looking Edgar standing in the doorway.  His red eyes flick between both Tyler and I but it isn’t until they land on me that they really seem to show the rage. I shrink back in his overgrown desk chair at the intensity of his stare. He doesn’t even remove it when he addresses Tyler.


“Edgar, she—“ Tyler begins to, I assume, defend me but Edgar cut him off swiftly with a glare so black it could burn Satan himself. “Just remember who your talking to.”

Edgar nods stiffly and clenches his fists at his side. Tyler gives me a sympathetic look but I don’t really register it much. All I want is to curl up in a ball and let the ground below swallow me up. I’m not under the false idea that Edgar can be calmed at the moment. He’s going to rip me a new one and I know I deserve it.

“How much did you hear?” I whisper.

Edgar’s head snaps up and his eyes blaze, “Enough.”

I sigh and begin picking at my nail polish in nerves. “I thought as much.”

“You thought as much?” He growls, “That’s all you have to say for the suicide mission you were planning? Are you fucking insane? Do you still want to die? Is that what this is? Just another attempt I’m going to have to save you from!”

I narrow my eyes at him, “I didn’t ask to be saved.”

“Don’t even fucking start that shit!” He roars stalking towards me until he’s to the left of me. Gripping the side of the chair he spins me so I’m facing him before he kneels before me. His hands grip my thighs and I try to stop the traitor heart in my chest as it speeds up accordingly. “Tell me why you do this to me.”

“I don’t want to leave you.” I whisper.

“Then why do you put yourself at risk at every turn?”

I shake my head feeling my lip quiver, “I just didn’t want to have to be saved anymore. I need to handle this myself. I can’t keep relying on you, Edgar. It isn’t fair to me or to you.”

He closes his eyes looking pained, “I know you don’t want to be a victim. I know you want to be strong but this? This above your head. Hell, it’s even my head.” He says before mumbling to himself before looking at me with earnest eyes, “Do you realize that I would do anything to keep you safe?”

I nod mutely. I have no words.

“And you realize that I love you?”

Again, my acceptance is silent.

He grips my face in his hands, “Then why do keep trying to leave me?”


“Can you even comprehend the pain that I felt when I heard you willing wanting to go to the man who wishes to take you from me?” He asks lowly.

Tears, stupid idiotic tears build in my eyes, “I’m sorry. I just…I wanted this to go away. I didn’t know how else to take it away. It’s…it’s just too much.”

“This is life for us right now.” He says softly moving his thumb across my lower lip, “I would never let anyone hurt you or take you from.” His hand moves from my mouth to my bonding mark, “This can’t be removed no matter what they say.”

“But you said this was even above you.” I mutter feeling helpless.

He closes his eyes and lays his forehead against mine, “I don’t know what I have to do to keep you safe but whatever it is I’ll do it.”

“You can’t protect me forever.”

“I can try.”

“You’ll fail.” I whispered.

He shook his head, “I can’t.”

Sighing deeply I ran a hand down the side of his face, “Are you going to kill Tyler?”

“No but Jane will.”

I groan loudly for my poor friend, “I feel awful for him.”

“You shouldn’t. He volunteered to do a suicide mission. It’s all on him.”

“Your not mad at me?”

“I’m a lot things with you but mad isn’t one of them at the moment.”

I smile a bit, “You were blowing smoke.”

He frowns, “What?”

“My mom used to say it to my dad when he was mad about things. She’d say he was blowing smoke like an angry dragon.” I explain before laying a light kiss on his lips, “I guess it stuck with me.”

“Do you—“ Edgar hesitates before continuing, “Do you miss them?”

I shake my head after a second of thought, “No. They haven’t been around for so long that even if I did want to seem them it wouldn’t do any good. They lost the child they wanted and kept the child they didn’t. I will never be as important as Charlotte was to them and I don’t ever expect to be.”

“I’m so sorry, amour.”

“I’m not.” I tell him softly, “If things had been different I don’t know if I would be here. I don’t know if I would have come looking for you.”

“That would have been a good thing.” He says with a rueful smile.

I shake my head, “Not for me.”

“Promise me something?”

I hum in response closing my eyes as his scent envelopes me.

“Promise me you won’t do anything this stupid again.”

I pop my eyes surprised to see the desperation in his, “I-I promise.”

“Good.” He exhales, “You could have given me a heart attack.”

“Now that I doubt.”


It’s a day past the due date that I was supposed to be delivered to Gryphon for inspection. Viktor has been sent to plead our case but he’s reported us to say that though our evidence was bullet proof our lack of presence was noticed and not happily so. I knew it was coming before we even received the message.

It much like the first summons in its simplicity but the deadly meaning behind the elegantly scripted words struck me to my core. Edgar immediately told Gavin to go get Jane and Tyler, who were taking this oddly warm day for all it was. Gavin, despite the animosity between him and Edgar seemed to sense the dire situation and did it immediately.

So I do what I do best.

I let the misery take me over.

Because there it was on the same expensive paper as before written in perfect English for all to see.

If you will not come to us, we will come to you.

They were coming.

And I wasn’t sure if we would survive it.


I know what you guys are thinking. 'You made us wait ALL that time for THIS short chapter?!' And the answer to that is....yes, yes I did. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to update this story, truely I am but i have two other stories I'm working on at the same time as this AND writing this has been way harder than I thought it would be. Seriously, my drive with this story has been low down and I apologize for that. That being said there are only three or four more chapters left after this and shit is about to hit the fan!

Anywhoo, a storm is brewing. Excited?


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