A thought. .....

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A 'bright as sunshine ' thought. .....

didn't cost alot. ....

a few brain cells pickled. ...

boy....did that tickle....;)

I kept the thought.......

in a corner of my mind...

before long. ....

it grew restless ..grew wings......

tried fleeing....

trouble was brewing. .....

a simple thought.....

wanted out......

what was this about.....?

freedom it wanted......

common sense taunted. ....


we had a duel ......

the thought and me

crossing mental swords........

a clang....a twang.......

an idea jam....?

deft footwork. ....

here...there. ..everywhere. ...

swinging to the right..the left.....

or wherever the space we...leapt

the highs ....the lows.....

emotional troughs. ......

happy crests.......

I really tried my best......

huffing and panting. .......

I needed to rest......!!

it was clever and fast ....

plain as day...I could see..

so I gave up the fight...

after all..the thought was always right..;)

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