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The days rolled past.....

very fast. ....

month after month. ...

till the passing year ......

said...." goodbye dear...

many moments to cherish. ...

witness to life's flourishes. ...

walked the miles. ...

some with tears .....

some with smiles. ....

sometimes rough....

down in the dumps....

sometimes smooth. ....

over the moon.....

leaping across rainbows. ...

dancing in the sun...

on the whole it was fun"...:)

and....Lo behold...!

a brand new start awaits....

a new year is dawning.....

hearts open....hopes high....

the universe shouts...

come on....

what say....?

gimme a wi-five !!...:)

Happy New year.....

make merry and happily jive...;)


Wi-five is a mix of "wireless"and "high five" with a pun on wi-fi,a wireless computer technology.It is also known as an Air five .

(source-: High five--Wikipedia)



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