A clank and a clang....

143 24 33

I was sitting. ...

all alone in the dark....

the lights out....

because of a thunderstorm stark....

shivering involuntarily. ....

it was a lack of courage. ...

(I prefer to keep my head buried. ...

in the sand)....;)

well. ...

the candles were burning ....

weirdest shadows looming.....

creeping....and glooming. ..

I thought I heard a loud clank. ....

in the kitchen.....

somebody there...?

no answer...just my voice booming...

so I drew a blank. ...

more clattering...things tumbling...

my courage feeble crumbling...

all of a sudden....

silence descended...

I was feverishly giving thanks......

and then there were...

floating in midair....

all the pots and pans.....!!

I froze instantly....

I screamed...

they clanged loudly....

glinting wickedly...

and made a beeline for me...

I ran away....fast as I could. ..

as far as the eye could see.....

they chasing after with devilish glee...

holographic projections....?

or wild hallucinations...?

courtesy too many.....

coffee concoctions.....

or whimsical friends...

you see....

that is not how the story ends....

not by any reason.....

will I defend.....

my unbecoming conduct....

in the face of ghostly demands....

to become one of their ranks....


it was Halloween. .....

and it was a prank......!!


that I fainted down the road......

is another story....

just to be very frank....;)

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