Window shopping. ...

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  • Dedicated to online shopping...:)

Festive season is here.....

all roads lead to the malls......

bumper to bumper traffic. ....

is no problem at all. ......

once inside the hallowed walls. ...

the shops give out a pleading call..

The mind in a twist....

yes..I want this...this...also this...

arms swathed in bundles of


Ah.....heavenly joys. ....

peering at mirrors. .....

stomping through trial rooms....

in and out...till....

an inner voice rings out loud.....

"hey ,only window shopping today"

Oh no.......!

say.....senses in denial mode....

stopping happy feet in their tracks..

all goodies back on the racks.....

fallen spirits....and faces....

Well......never mind.....

a cheeky thought chimes. ..

another day....will shine......

So onward march.....

the dreamy juggernaut rolls on. ..

of shopping bags galore. .....

there is a virtual paradise online.....

you know. ....;)

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