What is the point? ....

160 18 22

Hmm. ..... what is point?

(says someone. ..)...

to farther away thoughts....

which are jumping in their joints..

trying to anoint...

some common sense...

into their eventual existence...

of being far away from reality...

their present presence...

is goading the question...of...

Hmm...what is the point ..?

to all the faculties...

that come up with such thoughtlings...

which are always up to no good...

running away and funny...

knowing that they would lead to...

forseen and unforseen after effects...

of the emotional and ego kind...

the end result....

is not hard to find.....

(a plonk on the head...for one)...;)

Psst...a good time to appoint...

a telepathic lashing...as the...

the only resort..and let the...

fevoured mind go...blank zoink.!!...;)

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