Memories streamlined. ..

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Little bit....bit by bit....

memories are streaming. ...

somethings....or nothings. ...

is what I mean.....

funny it seems...

stacked high....stacked low...

top to the bottom. ..

in all the closets and drawers...

and the occasional gloomy cupboards...

hidden away. ..

in subconscious 's attic ....

the contents rifled...

kicked around and stifled....

or vacuum bags....

a hate...a love....or all mixed up....

unpaid bills...unwept regrets...

so many  other reasons to fret....

to crumple and stump...

things going bump...

noises and shuffling.....

impatient... huffed puffed out....

secrets in hidden corners. ...

laying low on a back burner. ...


the brightly lit lies...all smiles

shine in the front...clambering...

to be seen....and...

out in the back....

reality bares it's teeth....

breaching reaching out....

it's tentacles...

ready to strike. ...

better not open the doors....

smite and wipe away ....

whatever was forgotten. ...

weird as it seems....

it was all a crazy dream...;)

fading away in the annals of time...

getting away....

after a perfect crime...

jokes aside.....

isn't that what we all try...?


My memory walked away from me....

it was really angry....

overstuffed and too zealously guarded. ...

it broke free....

as soon that happened. ...

it vanished.....lo behold. ...

bits and pieces. ....

taken up by the time wind....

blown to distant lands. ..

I stood there. ...

hapless and helpless. ....

but in a dance of sorts. ....

the jiggle  and the giggles. ..

knowing it would come back....

steady and slow.....

chugging on soulful tracks. ...

partitioned and rationed....

I hit the sack. ...:)

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