Talking. whom...?

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Questions and answers...

talking whom....?

to each other ....I presume...

I often wonder...

you see...

there are some...



some non serious...

cool and delirious...

happy and garrulous...

innocent and sweet....

sneaky and peeky....

"answers ".....

on the other hand...


making faces and scoffing...

rolling their eyes upwards...

laughing out loud...

twisted all up at the incredulity...

of the truths...or non truths...

of "answers"...

and their know it all...;)

A chaotic two way street...

" questions" and" answers"...

each of them tripping... make sense...

shouting...trying to drown...

the other's voice....

I have no other choice....

having being caught inbetween..

my brains cells in a squeeze...

but to shush them up.....

simmer down the noise...

or it would be a free for all...

is it for the best....?

No...not the least....

but anything..

for some shortlived "peace"

they need some "time out" to agree....;)

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