Never mind. ....

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Never mind. .....just ....

never pay attention. ..never hear. ..

the constant stream of .....

unending banter. ....

cranky chatter ......

of imagination's footloose patter...

none of which at all ....

is of any consequence...

or of any importance.....

like the batter...

for a cake ....on which fondant....

will be splattered....

to be carted.....

to a marriage...that will break up...

someday...sooner or later....

or....the thoughts that lay

on the mind's platter.....

adding to the overflowing clatter....

of the clutter....

in the attic of the brain's grey matter..

tuning them out...with musical notes..

that will totally shatter...

all notions of......

hearable words and rhythms......

what else to do...?

in these upside down ruminations...

of unquestionable matter....;)

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