hunters and....krogen?

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as i am flying with hiccup dangling from my feet i drop him as soon as i see that toothless is below me. and keep flying.

looking back every so often to make sure they are following, I fly up into the clouds, when i appear over the top of them and the rest of the gang follow they see the northern lights i am the only one who knows you can see them at this time of year.

i give a dragon laugh at there shocked faces. then i feel something prick my tail and feel woozy, everything is in hipper drive i give a roar of pain, shock and confusion. as i look down to my tail dragon hunter arrow.

'dragon root fly away' i say to the dragons and then drop out of the sky

I hear the riders yell in shock before hookfang swoops down to try to grab me, 'no go back' i say weekly i am to close to the boat now. i open my wings to create uplift i only manage to slow my self down but a net closes around me and i hit the water.

the nest has a rope attached to it and i am pulled onto the boat, i give a feeble whine as i am muzzled which is chained into the ground and shoved into a cage below deck.

i hear explosions and the boat rocking every so often must be the riders trying to help me get out of here.

i stain my mouth trying to break the muzzle i think about changing into a girl but hunters are regularly run past one might see me change and then tell viggo, i give another whimper before i give up and lay down on the cold wood floor.

after a while i see Ryker come down......with the riders. 'welp, there goes my chance of escape!' i say to the dragons as they are led into cages near me. the riders are in the cage opposite me in the hall.

'hey are you ok Ivy?' i here toothless whisper to me i nod, which makes the chains shake and rattle i see Ryker notice me and somehow to look even meaner, he walks over and i back as far as the chains can go. i whimper quietly as he sneers at me.

he opens the cage and my feet and sliding on the wood floor trying to push me further away he moves closer to my tail and lifts it up to his eyes hight after he studies it, he smirks and then says to hiccup 'i see you found a female night fury' i whimper a little louder just enough so hiccup and the rest of the riders can here.

Rykers leaves and locks the door behind him. 'Ivy are you alright?' astrid says. i nod slowly

****first time skip in this story!****

the boat slows down, i give a dragon groan 'dragon hunter island' the dragons whisper. hunters load the rest of the dragons and the riders they leave me last, i am un-muzzled shoved into a portable cage. and pushed up on top of the deck,

I see Ryker on the deck and next to him...'Viggo' i breathe out. i am pushed in front of them. viggo puts his hand up and my cage stops.

i whimper oh god, i think viggo talks to his brother in whispers, 'you are back congratulations and i presume you haven't told the riders what's so special about you but i will have the pleasure of telling them and making you change' he says while smirking. i shake my head no, he just smirks and tells the hunters to put me somewhere with the riders.

i am honestly scared the riders dragons said they help dragons, not a human/dragon. when i see the riders in a cage together i give a faint whimper they all look up. 'Ivy!" most of them shout. i dont look at them, they look confused.

After i am put into a cage opposite them i curl up with my back to the bars.

'Ivy? what did they do to you?' hiccup says i just snort back at him. i need to escape here soon before here.

I am a hybrid what's wrong with that? ( viggo x Ivy)Where stories live. Discover now