Epilogue pt 2 (good)

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so I have a request! DO ANOTHER EPILOGUE! soo... HERE YOU GO!


I groan opening my eyes blinking as the sun shines brightly through my window, by the position of the sun I would say it's about 7. great I'll have to get Anna up soon... I sigh and try and sit up but 2 arms wrap around my waist and pull me back down and against a chest. "Morning Viggo," I say turning around and wrapping my arms around him. "hmm, don't get up yet, you'll take all the warmth with you," he says mumbling, half-asleep, I roll my eyes and wriggle out of his grasp "I need to wake up Anna, you get bobby," I say standing up and changing into more casual wear  

I walk into Anna's room quickly stepping over all of the toys she got gifted I went to her bed and went into shock, I stumble back and scream, I hear a muffled thud and a loud curse before Viggo comes running into the room, with his sword drawn

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I walk into Anna's room quickly stepping over all of the toys she got gifted I went to her bed and went into shock, I stumble back and scream, I hear a muffled thud and a loud curse before Viggo comes running into the room, with his sword drawn. 

"What's going on?" he says looking around the room. "Anna, she's gone! a-and-" I manage to get out before pointing to the bed. on her white sheet is droplets of blood, Viggo's face drains of colour and he instantly runs out into the hall, I stay at the doorway watching him.. search for something? 

"Ivy... I think I know what happened" he says looking at me dead in the eye, I only nod wanting him to go on. "Your axe is missing, when we went to bed she must have got it and played with it in bed cutting her finger than when she woke up again, then she left," he said motioning to where my Axe normally is and then to the half-open door. I give a shakey sigh in relief and a chuckle.

Viggo quickly grabs Bobby and we speed walk down the hill "Anna?" I yell once where in the village. I groan once I hear a familiar giggle, "try and catch me, mum!" I hear then tiny fast footsteps running. I sigh and start running after her leaving a Viggo in tears from laughing so hard. she purposefully avoids the Haddock house, 

I can now see where she gets her smartness from... I speed up almost behind her as I grab my axe and let her continue running. "I swear to god Anna! you will be the death of me" I yell as I walk back to where Viggo was. I hear laughing and a baby babbling and I walk towards it. As Viggo comes into sight I grumble, "I regret meeting you" as he hands bobby over, "aww you do not" he says laughing even harder, suddenly realising "where's Anna?..." I smile, "oh! she's around somewhere... plus it's your turn" his eyes go wide and he sighs and starts to walk around the village calling Anna's name. I giggle and walk home. 

I might regret somethings but I wouldn't trade this for a lifetime supply of dragon nip. (strangely I still like dragon nip....)  


soo yea... that's all I got XD if you guys want a full book on this I don't see why not :P 

sorry it's so short. if I get an idea I might update this PAGE not a new chapter though 

I am a hybrid what's wrong with that? ( viggo x Ivy)Where stories live. Discover now