'come with me'

683 13 18

i have just seen httyd 3! and this book will not contain spoilers yet and i will delete any comments from spoilers you have been warned 


one of the hunters holds up a bow 'come with me' he says i gulp and start to move into the bushes. 'you to pipsqueak' he says looking at me. i flap up onto Viggo's shoulder and sit there while he walks with the people into town.

i sway a little as he moves forwards, oh god why is this happening to me. i only just got healed and went to get new clothes. 

i look behind at the people and they are picking up the pace, must be late with me i am guessing. i probably get sold for a lot of gold. 

as i am lost in thought i dont notice another man walking towards us intill Viggo says 'savage' harshly under his breath. 

i look at this man dressed in armour, and he is holding a dragon bone.....a deadly nadder i think but it's only a guess. 

i have never seen this man in my life but me just seeing him now. i want to bite his nose. i look around and see other men walking to surround us. 

'let's just say one person will pay a lot of gold if i hand in you too.' he said smirking 

'krogen won't pay you in gold he'll pay you in pain!'  i say forgetting that he can't understand me. 

'oh shut your growling you reptile' said a man said with a spear poking me in the side. 

'oh but how do we know if this is the real lycanwing krogen is looking for?' one of the men says while poking my side, i grumble.   

'do you want proof then you have to force it out of me' i say grumbling under my breath. 

savage starts talking in low voices even my dragon hearing cant detect on what they are saying. i am starting to get worried my scales are hard but human skin isn't. 

i wabble quietly trying to get Viggo's attention. he looks at me and i mimic as quietly as i can turning into a changewing and flying into the sky. he understands after a while. 'only when i give the signal' he mouth's to me, i nod

'i have decided the only way to make her change is the same way as you did Viggo. twisting your two fingers in her back' the leader tells us smirking. 

i dont wait for Viggo's signal, i go for it. my body grows bigger and i start to feel pain in my chest. crap to many changes in a day. i ignore it but i continue to grow. i turn out as a changewing i have never been before. little shocks of lightning are running down my body. even Viggo is surprised.  

i wonder if this is my true form? i grab Viggo and chuck him onto my back and fly full pelt into the clouds while changing my scales to match the grey colour. 

'shoot her!' i hear a savage yell 

'where?' most of them yell

'everywhere!" one of the leaders shout back 

As i brake over the top of the clouds i am still not in the safe arrows and nets are still coming. i fly north towards dragon's edge. hoping the riders would be able to let us stay here until this all dies down. 

***so just a question what is your favourite type of movie........just a question I'm not trying to disguise a timeskip or anything........***

viggo and i were flying towards dragon island when Viggo knew where i was going he tapped my side and said 'can we not to go there i dont think they will accept me after all the things i did' i grumbled and kept flying. but then a thought popped into my head. wait. shouldn't i change into something else you never know what will happen around the riders. 

I am a hybrid what's wrong with that? ( viggo x Ivy)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin