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( my own ideas for this. might not follow httyd 3 a lot, i have cached a lot of things so stick with me!) 

when i wake up again i look around realize something is on my neck i look down and see something that grimmel's dragons wore. wait.... was he going to use me? 

i walk over to the cage door but trip over huh? i realize i am a death-gripper yep he is totally going to use me. 

grimmel walks in and sees me awake and walks over. i growl. 'careful one twist of the viles on your collar will make you totally under my control. hiccup is going to come tonight with the rest of the riders and i need you to help me.' he smirked  

'i will never help you!' i growl. 

He laughs and turns away to his desk i huff and turn my back to him and instantly regret it. i fell a sharp pain on my back and look over to see the other death-grippers. i whimper and back up until i hit the wall, then the pain was everywhere 

**time skip! sorry guys this is a family-friendly and i dont want to scare the little kids : )**

i am black and bruised, ripper and killer the two death-grippers has been at me for hours. i am now scared of disobeying grimmel every time i didn't obey grimmel the quickest possible time he would whistle and ripper and killer would attack. i now live in fear of him and obey his every order. 

grimmel knew hiccup was coming tonight so he was on high alert so was ripper, killer and me. grimmel was making some more purple stuff to put in the things he uses to put dragons to sleep and such. he grabbed my tail and squeezed the pressure point and liquid came out. 

all of a sudden i hear wing beats, wow i guess grimmel is right! I and ripper stand up straight and hiss quietly. he clicks not looking up from what he was doing and me and ripper stalk out into the open area. i look around and see nothing so far. i hear something to my left and head that way, nothing. what's going on? grimmel suddenly makes the trap come down. i clime over bits of wood and go over to grimmel. he talks with hiccup and then he grabs my tusk and pulls me closer to the chain bars.

he reaches over my head and twists one of the viles on my collar instantly i feel it take over.

'let me give a demonstration' he says before he whistles and i take off after hiccup. spewing acid everywhere.

i stalk over towards Barberton not being able to stop myself. he backs all the way to the end of the beam fire below him. 

he looks into my eyes and says 'Ivy?' 

i growl as a response, 'ivy it's me...you remember me right, your brother come on its ok.....i know you're strong. you are the hardest headed dragon shifter i know you can break free!....i need you...Viggo needs you!' 

i shake my head trying to clear my head, i feel my iris's widen and my brain is clear i can think! i smile and grab Barberton and chuck him out of the gap that cloud jumper made. 

i twirl and change into the girl the collar falling off me and into the fire with a clang i just manage to slip through the bars before cloud jumper drops them on the deathgrippers. ripper and killer, i let out a breath of relief before I face the riders. 

'IVY!' they all yell before they engulf me in a hug. 

'hi,' i manage to get out. before they start asking all sorts of questions. i answer all of them before i ask 'where's Viggo?' they all look down before hiccup says 'he built himself a house of the edge of new berk and won't come out. he comes out one a week to buy food and disappears again.' my mouth opens in shock and i change into a skill and follow the riders to the new berk. when we get there i take off to the other side and see a tiny house not even big enough to fit a nadder, i land quietly and crawl up to the window and look though i see a man, back facing me looking at something. i knock on the door with my talons and get a weird reply. 

'go away hiccup I'm not coming out' i grumble and knock again but this time i hear footsteps come over to the door and it opens a little when he sees me. he shoots out at a speed that would put toothless to shame and hugs my neck. i change into a girl and hug him, we are both crying our eyes out, i look over at the house and give him a questioning look he doesn't reply, he just kisses me.  we dont pull apart, out other kisses where soft, but this one was strong and needy, i pull away for air and he does too.   


we where walking tough the village before i felt a strange tingling in my gut and heart, i stop walking and concentrate onto that feeling. it was like butterflies but stronger, Viggo looks back once he realises i stopped walking. he opens his mouth to speak but before he can. my form starts to change where i stood stands a skill, then a changewing, a deathsong and finally a boneknapper, i feel my form change one more time into a girl, than with the image of Viggo and the riders running over to me i say 2 words and pass out the two words are 'its time' then blackness. 


cliff hanger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am a hybrid what's wrong with that? ( viggo x Ivy)Where stories live. Discover now