your my brother!?

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i am sorry to say this book will have httyd 3 spoilers :(


i have been flying for 3 days....3 days the poison has wore of but i dont know where berk is....i wings are so sore...i groan and fall out of the sky hitting the choppy sea. i was half unconscious so i dont know what i see now is true. a boy my age diving down for me that was the last thing i see before i fall unconscious. 

***time skip***

when i wake up again i feel a soft surface behind me wait wasn't i supposed to be dead? i open my eyes and look around i'm in a house.... wait.....i think i remember this place but i dont know what from. i sit up and swing my legs out of the blanket and stand up. 

i feel dissy only for a couple of seconds though i walk over to the door and open it. i look out and see a dragon what? i blink and there stood a boy about my age electric blue hair like me and amber eyes. i blink again and he walks over to me. 

'hey you shouldn't be out of bed you almost drowned you should be resting' he says kindly 

'w-w-who are you?' i say stuttering a little bit 

'lets say im a friend' he says 

'but i need to know your name' i protest 

'its....Barberton' he says shyly 

'Barberton......i know that from somewhere' i say thinking  

(A/N and yes i know its another plant name XD XD XD i'm sorry for all of this)

 then it clicked.

'Barberton is it realy you?' i say not believing he is my long lost brother that is standing in front of me

he nods and pulls me into a hug and i gladly return it. 

**time skip of a few days**

i have fully healed or so says Barberton it has been a adventure the past few days Barberton has been telling be of his adventures as a dragon with the hunters and i have been telling him about my life and how i met viggo and wondering if he knew where berk was

he told me that i had traveled a far way and he didn't know where or who/what berk was i sigh sadly. 

**time skip**

it has now been 2 years and i have groan into a pretty young woman i have taken a map from Barberton to see if i knew any island. but i didn't so i flew west first nothing only wingmadens who told me the direction to berk noth. i flew north until i see berk i was so happy i squealed with joy. i flew down (take note i was a sand wrath) and i changed into a girl. 

'viggo!? Hiccup!?' i yell into the village but it was cold and dark. i walk into the village and see no one what is going on? 

i hear something jump aiming for me i turn around quickly and get pushed down to the ground by a.....death-gripper? whats going on? she/he hisses at me and i hiss in return trying to shove the dragon off me. i hear a sharp whistle and the death-gripper jumps of me and wraps his tail around me and takes off.

i struggle i think about changing into a dragon but i also wanted to see where this dragon was taking me. he/she lands and unwraps his tail from me. i realize we are at the great hall, i try to make a run for it but the death-gripper just pulls be back. 'what do we have here?' i male voice says. the death-gripper bows while shoving me forward, i stumble but regain my balance quickly.

'a girl you got us a girl?' a fat man says.

'my name is Ivy' i mumble

'what was that girl?' a woman says

'My name is Ivy!" i say louder this time.

'go get grimmel he will want to see this' the fat man says

the girl walks off and i stand there arms crossed. the woman comes back with a man tall short white hair and a long face.

i know him from somewhere but....i dont know, 'you wanted to show me a girl?' he says rolling his eyes.

'dont ask us your death-grippers showed us' the fat guy said huffing at the end.

grimmel smiles and walks closer to me. he tilts his head and says 'you would be a good snack for my death-grippers'

'you wouldn't dare' i say seeing how far this would go.

he clicks his fingers and the two death-grippers he has with him walk over to me hissing and snarling. i hiss back forgetting the others and focus on the dragons, i needed to change if i wanted to live.

i twist and i change into a storm-cutter and growl at them grimmel looks at me and i look at him, i narrow my eyes and open my wings and take off i only see for a second the death-grippers flying after me. i hear the click of their tail and i turn sharply to the left narrowly dodging the tail. i look down at the ground where grimmel is and I dive I see him reach behind his back and pull out a crossbow and aim it one handed at me. I give a dragon smirk I have bones covering my whole body he wont me able to hit me.

I was wrong he shoots a weird dart at me and it hits me in-between my protective rib bones. I suddenly feel very sleepy. My wings get heavier and heavier. I suddenly fall out of the sky and hit the ground at grimmel's feet with a huge thump.

I look at him with half closed eyes and he smirks and yell at the other people 'after we get the information out of this shiftier we will be able to get the two night-fury's and the chef of berk will be no more!' I give a faint whimper and fall asleep agent my will


When I wake up again I look around I am in a cage and a baby scuttle claw is on the other side of me. i am so confused what is going on didn't grimmel say that the death-grippers could eat me? i stand up using the wall as a support. 

'i see your finally awake' says a voice, i look over towards the voice and see grimmel. i look away and over to the baby scuttle claw  'are you ok?' i ask her mentally

'n-no please help me' he says scooting away from grimmel. 

'what do you plan to do with me!?" i say turning back to him.

'you will see but first....i have to do something' he says smirking walking over to my cage door. he pulls another one of the purple liquid darts out of his pocket and adds with a smile 'you will have to be asleep though' 

i back up hitting the back wall and he opens the cage door and walks closer to me smiling. 

i see him grab my arm and inject the strange liquid into me. i feel wosy and i pass out 


I HAVE UPDATED!!!!!!!!!!



here they are if you forgot 

write the number next to the idea in the comments

1. httyd truth or dare

2. rtte texting

3. Jurassic world blue/raptors/indoraptor/indonamus Rex love story

4. Jurassic word texting

4. httyd/Jurassic park/world memes 



I am a hybrid what's wrong with that? ( viggo x Ivy)Where stories live. Discover now