"wait a bounty?" ( rewritten )

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and just before this story starts i want to say yes i know krogen inst in the actual rtte (race to the edge) episode. i just was thinking that it would be a lot better instead of viggo and ryker it could be Johann and krogen.

BTW powdered dragon root puts dragons to sleep and can kill them if they have been breathing it to long for about.....lets say a hour or 2 depends on the size 

ok well enough chit chat from me alone with the story!!!!!!!!!


'i think i know what those men where' astrid says picking up the paper.

i tilt my head in confusion from astrid words.

***time skip to dragons edge****

'krogen put a bounty on Ivy and hiccups head!' snotlout said laughing. i grumble and punch him the stomach he groans but keeps laughing i raise my fist but before i could punch him a hand grabs my wrist. i look to see viggo with a worried look i groan and give a please look to him. he shakes his head no i let my hand fall to my side with a huff.

we are at the edge all gathered around a peace of paper i dont know whats such a big deal. its just a bunch of scribbles and a picture of me and hiccup. i slipped out without anyone noticing and walked to the stables. all the dragons where there and looked up when i went in.

'what are you doing with out!' meatlug says waddling over to me 'why am i in trouble?' i ask them

'very!' hookfang yells but the other silence him, i start to have a conversation with the dragons while toothless is watching me closely. i notice a little object fly into the stables it releases a purple gas. the dragons and i start to stumble around almost like we are drunk. all the dragons fall to the ground with a thump i stager over to toothless who mumbles 'run' before he closes his eyes. all the dragons breathing was even so i knew they where asleep.

they are still alive thats what matters, i start to stumble to the door not realizing who ever did this closed it. i start to bang on the mettle door making a clang every time i hit it.  but no one comes in ages, I start to feel sleepy and I collapse on the floor falling asleep.
i think viggo or someone must have heard me or notice the dragons where missing, or i was missing. because i hear very loud  foot falls close to the door  'Ivy whats going on!?' someone yells on the other side. 'hiccup hurry get the door open!' thats was viggo i hear the door grind open then nothing, peaceful sleep.....
I shoot up as soon as someone dumps cold water onto me i open my eyes squinting from the sun and see viggo. the others are running towards there dragons and pulling them out. they make a faster recovery then me. fishlegs points this out while i am laying down trying to get the sleepiness out of my head, the riders yet to have found out what the gas was but fishlegs thinks its powdered dragon root. 

***time skip of 2 days***

it has taken days to recover fully from the gas. i was also determined to go to Berks 100 year festival because hiccup said he was going as well. if he wasn't hiding from krogen nether was i! the day came when i was getting ready to go to the festival. i was going no matter how hard viggo told me no!

i changed into a skrill and let viggo clime on top of my back and we started flying towards berk. i landed at the docks, before long hiccups dad. (the chef)

Came walking down to great us. viggo hid behind me. i stayed silent making sure viggo was staying hidden. hiccup and his dad started talking. hiccup was rubbing the back of his head and then pointed to me or behind me. i moved aside to reveal viggo she stood there and waves shyly. 'YOU!' stocks yells and rushed towards him while taking the axe of his back. i jumped in front of him growling. stock stopped suddenly skidding to a stop.

i stood there growling in front of viggo, protecting him i guess you could say. 'woh, woh dad hold on he's changed!' hiccup says

i add a growl to get it though his thick skull. my growling drowned out the rest of the conversation in my ears. i look behind me and see viggo talking with stock in a civilized manner. i walk over to them and drape my wing over viggo who struggles to get it off  him. i just push down harder until he give's up with a huff. 'come on Lilith, i told you about this!' he said trying again but failing to get it off him.

he called me Lilith because it was a code name for a while until we can trust someone with my secret. i huff and take my wing of him but not before i hook his top and dangle him over the dock. i give a satisfied smile and he just hangs there arms crossed and glaring at me. the villagers who are at the docks are laughing and hiccup says, 'yea there is still some fine tuning with the friendship....' 'Lilith if you dont put me back on the dock you will have to catch your own fish' viggo says i quickly place him roughly on the dock.

he stumbles but regains his balance, i give a snort and start to run away into the forest. the other dragons run after me laughing. i was laughing so hard i had to stop running and lay down. 'ivy where did you go?' toothless yells half laughing.

'over he-'  i was cut of my something wrapped around my mouth i stand up and look around and see hunters. i freak out and send blasts everywhere though the gaps in the muzzle. they start to shoot arrows at me. 'guys!? help me!' i yell into the sky sending a blast of electricity into the air. i am still dodging arrows from the hunters but one manages to prick me in the side. i roar in pain before i long i realize. dragon root or something else, my vision goes blury everything is swirling and i can feel the wild dragon in me take over. i panic and roar it is responded with a roar of a night fury i look up and see the riders with viggo on the back of toothless with hiccup. the hunters look up as well i take this opportunity to dash into the forest, as i am running i bump into a lot of trees and fall over roots. the muzzle falls of after i run into another tree. i shake my head and keep running.

my instinct is telling me to take off and fly far away as i can from this hell hole. but something else is telling me to keep running. so i do i try my best to ignore my instinct, i appear in a clearing and drop down into it with a suprized roar, great job my instinct was telling me, now they know where to find you! i stumble around for a bit until i see water. i am suddenly thirsty i stumble over to the pond and drink i keep looking up and around to make sure i am not being hunted.

i finish drinking and lay down my vision still swirling, i branch cracks close by and i shoot up. whats going on? after a while of scanning the trees and nothing shows i lay back down carefully. i lay my head down and close my eyes wanting this growing head ache to go away. voices...i hear voices! i shoot up and look around my vision still crazy. i notice two people slowly walking closer. i panic and back up if i have to fly i will.

'hey its me you remember me right Ivy?' hiccup says..hiccup! i shake my head trying to clear the fog clouding my thoughts. 'ivy?' viggo! i look around but only see squiggles. come on fog clear! i move back not wanting to hurt them like what my instinct is telling me to do. i open my wings to there full length and take off. i zoom into the sky heading north.  

**time skip of 3 days**

i have been flying for 3 days....3 days the poison has wore of but i dont know where berk is....i wings are so sore...i groan and fall out of the sky hitting the choppy sea. i was half unconscious so i dont know what i see now is true. a boy my age diving down for me that was the last thing i see before i fall unconscious.  


boom clifhanger

sorry i would have wrote more but i need to update more XD

I am a hybrid what's wrong with that? ( viggo x Ivy)Where stories live. Discover now