epilogue (bad one)

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hey guys...this is an epilogue...

there will be two one i made that will make ivy have a happy ending and one that will not. i can't decide what one so i will put two in. btw the stones might not have worked.....heh

******* (non-happy ending first, the stones don't work)

"i hope i chose well," i say.

"i believe you did, you could never choose wrong around me," he says back to me.

"excuse me lovebirds i need to check it worked," Barberton says. i grumble and face him,

"ok think of a.......... terrible terror," Barberton says, i groan and think of the tiny dragon. when i open my eyes again Barberton and Viggo are giants. i look down at myself and see paws with claws along with scales replacing my skin. i look back up, i glare at Barberton and change back into a girl.

"You realise what this means right?" Barberton says quietly

i shake my head "no what does it mean?"

Viggo has a look of sadness "you have to go to the lost word" Viggo says before Barberton could. i gasp..."no....i won't go!" i say forcefully.

"you have to..im sorry Ivy..." Barberton says "we will say goodbye to the riders then we will go.." he says.

**** time skip to new berk***

After saying bye to the riders, toothless leaves with his mate to bad mine can't come.....
I change into a storm cutter along with my brother, I give one last look to Viggo before I follow toothless back to the hidden world. the others try to cheer me up but it doesn't work because they are depressed as well.....they only lost their rider, not their mate. more dragons follow us back to the hidden world  


It has been 9 years since I last saw Viggo along with the rest of the gang, my brother and toothless say I have changed I am no longer bubbly. I don't care really, toothless invited me along with his family to join them on the rocks outside of the hidden world, I agree thinking I could play with the baby night/ light fury's, my brother said no he wanted to sleep.


I lay down after 12 minutes of playing with the kiddos, then a boat appears out of the mist, I was a skrill so I stayed behind with the kids while toothless jumped onto the boat.
I hear voices but I can't hear what they are saying until toothless basically screams
' HICCUP!!! '
Omg... it's hiccup and Astrid, With little kids? A boy and a girl.
Nice, I fly over to there boat while toothless's mate goes to get stormfly. I land and hiccups kids are terrified, to say the least.
' hold out your hand as you did with toothless' they hesitate before the girl holds out there hand. I snort and the boy gives a tiny squeak of fear. I change into a girl while the kids run back to Astrid.
" hey hicc, Astrid long time no see," I say while waving
" we have something you might want to see Ivy" hiccup said while going below deck, while he gets that something I get introduced to Astrid kids. 


When hiccup returns it's with...... " VIGGO! " I scream and slam into him with the force of toothless fire blasts I squeeze him as hard as I can while crying.

" I love you Viggo....."


Heehehehehehe did! Now on with the happy ending blah blah blah.

I am a hybrid what's wrong with that? ( viggo x Ivy)Where stories live. Discover now