Part 2 of this sUcCuLeNt story

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(You should watch the video first.)

Gerd woke up in his big boi bed. Lyn-X was never even real. "I need a cup of mIlK," he told himself.

He skiddadle-skidoodled over to the kitchen, just to find that Fronk had already used all the milk.

"That little soy-boi," he hissed under his breath. "Fronk! Get your swiggity-swooty-booty over here!"

Frank appeared there. "Yes, sir?"

"What is this?"


"Where'd the milk go, Frank?"

"Uh, I don't know."

"uH, i DoN't KnOw. E-bois never forget anything, Frank, and we BOTH know that you are an E-boi!"

Frank sighed. "Well...things got a little cRaZy last night, and I used it to make ice cream."

"So where is the ice cream?"

"..." Frank ran away.

Gerd sighed. "I don't remember that."

Ray flippity-flopped into the room. "What is up, my dude?"

"Ray, what did you guys do last night?"

"What do you mean?"

"Spank Oreo said that you made ice cream."

"Dank didn't do, jack!"

"Oh. Ok-"

"BOBERT made the ice cream."


"THE ice cream, my guy."

Gerd squinted. "Is this a joke or...something?"

"...You really don't remember anything?" Gerd shook his head. "Well, you went to the store and bought a whole lot of milk for no reason. You just did."

"I remember that part. I really like milk."

"And then Bob was like, 'We should make ice cream!' so he did. Then, Mikey got scared and crawled out the door and Frank wanted whipped cream so he went and got some. So, Frank was running up the stairs, and you smacked him, making the whipped cream can break. And Frank started to cry. Then you screamed 'IT'S JUST CREAM, BABY!" and ran to your room. Then, you told Frank that you were gonna choke him if he didn't stop crying and he was like, 'Oh, cool. I'm okay with that." Then I think you passed out, my guy."

"...Was I high?"

"Yeah, I think. I'm pretty sure you and Frank were smoking Smarties, again."

"Makes sense. We do stuff like that a lot."

"I know."

Gerd questioned his life and then announced, "Im going to go buy more milk now."


Then, Gerd left and Milky and Spank followed him, leaving Ray confused, and Bob still asleep.

A Succulent Moment of Beaning Around to Remember - MCRWhere stories live. Discover now