Fake-A-Friend - Part 13

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Mikey came home from a long day at...the uh...mining hole. I don't know. Where'd you expect him to work? He opened the door, expecting everyone to be on the couch watching anime, but no. Everyone was on the floor in a circle, holding hand with candles lighting the room.

"Oh, hi, Mikey," Ray announced. Everyone looked at him.

"Ray! You're not supposed to do seances without me! That's OUR thing!"

"We can make another thing."

"Alright. Fine." Mikey was still salty, though. "At least let me join." He did just that and joined.

As Mikey sat down, Ray told him, "And we gotta help our bois out. You KNOW our motto."

Mikey sighed. "You only love once, so eat ass, smoke grass, and sled fast. Yeah. I know, I know." He adjusted himself on the hard-behind carpet. Why does carpet have to be so hard sometimes? "So, anyway," he began again. "What are we doing?"

"We're summoning Gerard a girlfriend," Frank told him.

"Thats not gonna work. Gerard is too ugly."

":( Fine. Then what do you two summon that makes you so attractive?"

"Beanut butter," Ray replied happily.


"Im sorry, Mikey, but the secret had to be out at some point!"

"So THAT'S where it comes from!" Frank realized."

At the end of the day, nothing worked and Gerard was still lonely and very emo. Gerard was still depressed.

- - -

Sorry for the short chapter. It's freaking 4:24 am now and I can't think. Don't worry. I have an idea that I'm gonna write down tomorrow. Also, yeah. I changed the title because I want more people to read this. :')

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