No, no, no! - Part 12

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(Current time: 3:32 AM)

After they had gone to McDonald's, they drove back home because they got take out as all gentleman do.

They finally got he and Lyn-Z wanted to crawl back to the soulless remains of Jimmy and watch him scream curse words while doing his hair then be there with these wackos.

They all sat down on the couch. "So," Frank began to ask Lyn-X. "Do you have any friends? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"

"Um...yeah. But they're all pitta your league."

Frank looked disappointed.

"Frank!" Gerald yelled at him. "Stop bothering her, you butt crack!"

"Whoa, my guy." Frank stood up. "You are not making me feel so fiddly-fantasic. >:("

Gerard stood up, too. "Oh yeah? >:( Well we'll see how you feel when I stick my foot up your–"

Mikey slid into the room at just the right time. "SHUT UP! IMA KICK BOTH OF YOU IN THE NO-NO-SQUARE!" He cleared his throat as they sat back down. "Im so sorry Lyn-Z. They're not usually like this," he lied. In reality, knew that everyone in this house was almost always at each other's throats.

Mikey coughed again. "So, Lyn-Z. Would you care for a glass of milk? :)"

"Oh, no. I don't like milk."

Mikey's heart sattered. He felt like throwing up. "Im, um, I don't think I heard you right. You said you DON'T like milk?" He was still smiling.


He sighed and pointed to the door. "And I liked you, Lyn-Z. I really did. I'm so sorry..."

"Wait, what?" Lyn-Z was more confused than that one time when my friend Princess_Kotta talked about touching her dog's pp. (Which she doesn't actually do so don't give her the electric chair.)

"Well," Gerard began. "Hes kicking you out because he worships milk."

"I worship onions," Bob said out of nowhere.

"SHUT UP, BOB! GERARD WAS TALKING!" Frank yelled at him. Poor Bob. "Go on, bro."

"Thanks, B.A.E."

"Wait, I thought I was B.A.E.!" Ray questioned.

"Well, I changed my mind. Frank is B.A.E. now. UwU Anyway, Lyn-Z–"

"She's already gone," Mikey added, crying slowly.

"Wow. My first girlfriend can disappear! That's cool! Ha ha...ha...ha... :'')"

Frank touched Gerard's shoulder. "Would you like some beans to make you feel better?"

"You know me so well, B.A.E. :')"

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I want to kms after writing this. It's 4:06 am right now and I have to wake up today at 7:00 am.

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